I woundn't consider today a very normal day considering school and all, but what happened later tonight was definitly not an everyday thing. So for some reason i was on my way to nisswa to pick up my dad (yes this is a car related story and yes i'm fine), i guess his brakes suck and that's where he takes his truck to get it fixed,... we were on our way home (about 7:30pm) and had just passed schafers foods and the waterslide area when we noticed a maroon-ish colored car literally rolling toward us. i pulled over and my dad got out of the car immediatly and dashed across the road, we seemed to be the first and only ones stopping and we were on the other side of the road. the car was driving on the inside lane and must have lost control and flipped at least four times into the ditch median and landed on it's top! it was scary cause i had no idea who was in the car, especially if there were children because i could hear a girl making noise.
My dad called the police immediatly and helped the younger couple crawl out of the front windshield of the car. they were all right. the man seemed okay, and his girlfriend (?) had some cuts, was complaining of her arm, and was a little shaken up. together they looked so dazed sitting in the middle of the ditch with their vehicle upside down with grass caught in the tires and everything that was in the car scattered around them as the cars that passed by slowed down and glared out their windows.
I guess it's not everyday that you see a car roll five times across the median during the spring daylight and assist them in crawling out their windshield. the couple appeared to be quite young, and may have been drinking, but life will go on., they were lucky. this is a unique story but the blog is interesting b/c this kind of stuff does happen when your with my family...ie: my dad was the one who called the police when the hellicopter went down over forestview school. family thing maybe..
I leave you with this carpe diem people, sieze the day, you only live life once, and liquor will not solve your problems. Keep it real, and buckle up, Kummet
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006
hot in herrrre!
well i think it's time to officially declare this blog: megans blog. Everyone's gotten so "busy" that they have no time for blogging...i seemed to have gained more time and i have TWO jobs. i slept in until about 10:30 then worked @ 12:30-4 had a kids cheeseburger to go and drove to nisswa to work 5-9 with jo scooping ice cream (chocolate ox), but we made pretty good tips and at the end of the shift i finally got my free chocolate peanut butter revel! mmm. word to the wise unless you have mad skills try not to night drive while eating ice cream, and unless it's party cake confetti (exception). Final saturday highlight: i think i drove through a "fog" of gnats or bugs or whatever and it sounded like rain! i could barely see through my windshield and the front of my car is plastered with a hlaf inch of bugs...you can barely read it! yuck!
Anyway....i just returned from a half- hour of rollerbalding, sadly in my opinion it really wasn't that hot. In other news im officiallly "hookled up" with myspace. i already have three friends! tom. is mem. day and everyone including me should definitly be going to the softball game! (1:00) it's monday and we don't have school what could be better! see you there and bring your checkbooks!
Anyway....i just returned from a half- hour of rollerbalding, sadly in my opinion it really wasn't that hot. In other news im officiallly "hookled up" with myspace. i already have three friends! tom. is mem. day and everyone including me should definitly be going to the softball game! (1:00) it's monday and we don't have school what could be better! see you there and bring your checkbooks!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
my life is sooo like th OC...just read
guys i hate to admit it but this is pathetic, our blog has somehow run dry. i will be forced to reveal secrets or something to keep it going, no one even had like a near death experience to blog about yet. someone needs to do something really outrageous or i will be forced to tell the blog about my day... i really don't know how interesting it really is i guess...
Monday: gave a speech for like 25 minutes in spanish...kate missed hers and is now a "floater", went pretty well overall. also learned the best way to choose pizza is through making a venn diagram. oh learned what a G-bong and a water bong are used for in english class, among the many other ways/everyday objects you can use to smoke marijuana, maybe read a story. chem=ewww...like i care. went birthday shopping w/maybon: highlights: saw some hotties at the mall, bought a necklace for 1.49 and lamb (Lee Ann May Bon) sprayed mase inside my car.. damn that stuff even smells nasty!
Tuesday: venn diagrams can help in your job search/family vacation. bullfighting is gross. where's the pink panther in his own movies....and who's the guy with the stach? softball game was cool as long as no one saw you writing a check to get in. went to micky d's with " Olie" aka "french toast" and lamb for some fun conversation. went to wally world (no offence to kayla) and bought shirts in the SELF check out (heck yes) in hopes of embarrassing ourselves on thursday and also finding sharpie markers to aviod paying for the game. any ideas that we haven't tried?
Monday: gave a speech for like 25 minutes in spanish...kate missed hers and is now a "floater", went pretty well overall. also learned the best way to choose pizza is through making a venn diagram. oh learned what a G-bong and a water bong are used for in english class, among the many other ways/everyday objects you can use to smoke marijuana, maybe read a story. chem=ewww...like i care. went birthday shopping w/maybon: highlights: saw some hotties at the mall, bought a necklace for 1.49 and lamb (Lee Ann May Bon) sprayed mase inside my car.. damn that stuff even smells nasty!
Tuesday: venn diagrams can help in your job search/family vacation. bullfighting is gross. where's the pink panther in his own movies....and who's the guy with the stach? softball game was cool as long as no one saw you writing a check to get in. went to micky d's with " Olie" aka "french toast" and lamb for some fun conversation. went to wally world (no offence to kayla) and bought shirts in the SELF check out (heck yes) in hopes of embarrassing ourselves on thursday and also finding sharpie markers to aviod paying for the game. any ideas that we haven't tried?
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
be serious you guy's...SERIOUSLY!
Dear blogspot,
i know that we have been slacking a little on the daily posts and we really have no excuse, but lately i haven't encountered any "bloggable" moments. So i thought i would maybe share a story that only a few people know.
Flashback: it was a cool fall day, i was six years old and after a long day at kindergarten, and the usual dinner at wendy's with dad (mom worked 1-9) we took a pit stop on the way home at the apartments my dad was working on for "just a few minutes". To a kindergartener a few minutes past 8 o'clock was just about enough, so my dad told me to sit down on the windowsill near the ground and rest awhile, and that he would only be a few minutes longer. i was getting really tired so i rested my head against the side of the windowsill, and that's it. (at least from my point of view) As i was told by others i had fallen asleep and proceeded to fall through the window onto the concrete floor below-exactly 44 inches. The next thing that i could remember was throwing up in the truck and going toward BMC. i had cracked my skull and there was some internal bleeding on my brain, it was a rough night for my family. i did fully recover, but i had to take some time off of school and sit out in gym class for awhile.
This experience was very traumatic, but interesting to tell all the same. Dont feel bad for me though because i have this theory that if i hadn't fallen and cracked my skull, then i would probably be a genius. so smart in fact that i would not have as many friends as i do now, because almost no one would be at my intellectual level. i think from here i should do some lighter stories like embarassing moments or horrible bike accidents...... feel free to add your stories also people. Teamwork here...maybe i'll tell the bike story next... leave you guessing.
i know that we have been slacking a little on the daily posts and we really have no excuse, but lately i haven't encountered any "bloggable" moments. So i thought i would maybe share a story that only a few people know.
Flashback: it was a cool fall day, i was six years old and after a long day at kindergarten, and the usual dinner at wendy's with dad (mom worked 1-9) we took a pit stop on the way home at the apartments my dad was working on for "just a few minutes". To a kindergartener a few minutes past 8 o'clock was just about enough, so my dad told me to sit down on the windowsill near the ground and rest awhile, and that he would only be a few minutes longer. i was getting really tired so i rested my head against the side of the windowsill, and that's it. (at least from my point of view) As i was told by others i had fallen asleep and proceeded to fall through the window onto the concrete floor below-exactly 44 inches. The next thing that i could remember was throwing up in the truck and going toward BMC. i had cracked my skull and there was some internal bleeding on my brain, it was a rough night for my family. i did fully recover, but i had to take some time off of school and sit out in gym class for awhile.
This experience was very traumatic, but interesting to tell all the same. Dont feel bad for me though because i have this theory that if i hadn't fallen and cracked my skull, then i would probably be a genius. so smart in fact that i would not have as many friends as i do now, because almost no one would be at my intellectual level. i think from here i should do some lighter stories like embarassing moments or horrible bike accidents...... feel free to add your stories also people. Teamwork here...maybe i'll tell the bike story next... leave you guessing.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
you don't know jack schitt!
The lineage is finally revealed. Many people are at a loss for a response when someone says: “You don’t know Jack Schitt.” Now you can intellectually handle the situation.
Jack is the only son of Awe Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Nee deep N. Schitt Inc. They had on son, Jack.
In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, the deeply religious couple produced 6 children: Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt.
Against her parents objections, Deep Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school drop out. However, after being married 15 years, jack and Noe Schitt divorced.
Noe Schitt later remarried Ted Sherlock and, because her kids were living with them , she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt Sherlock.
Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a son of nervous disposition, Chicken Schitt. Two other of the 6 children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitta, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a duel ceremony. The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Horse. Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride Pisa Schitt.
So now when someone says: “You don’t know Jack Schitt,” you can correct them.
If you liked this one read the top ten bumber stickers http://www.jibjab.com/JokeBox/JokeBox.aspx?Id=36267&JokeId=26963 and for the chemistry lovers http://www.jibjab.com/JokeBox/JokeBox.aspx?Id=36263&JokeId=347
All courtsey of the lovley website jibjab my friends.
The lineage is finally revealed. Many people are at a loss for a response when someone says: “You don’t know Jack Schitt.” Now you can intellectually handle the situation.
Jack is the only son of Awe Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Nee deep N. Schitt Inc. They had on son, Jack.
In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, the deeply religious couple produced 6 children: Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt.
Against her parents objections, Deep Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school drop out. However, after being married 15 years, jack and Noe Schitt divorced.
Noe Schitt later remarried Ted Sherlock and, because her kids were living with them , she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt Sherlock.
Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a son of nervous disposition, Chicken Schitt. Two other of the 6 children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitta, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a duel ceremony. The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Horse. Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride Pisa Schitt.
So now when someone says: “You don’t know Jack Schitt,” you can correct them.
If you liked this one read the top ten bumber stickers http://www.jibjab.com/JokeBox/JokeBox.aspx?Id=36267&JokeId=26963 and for the chemistry lovers http://www.jibjab.com/JokeBox/JokeBox.aspx?Id=36263&JokeId=347
All courtsey of the lovley website jibjab my friends.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Go Bears!!!!
Ok, weird. The other day i recieved an email from the Washington University located in St. Louis, MO. I do not want to go to Washington University, I repeat, do not want to go to Washington University, but because the subject said "important athletic recuitment notice," i decided to open it. The email was from Rich Luenemann, the head coach of the Bears' women's volleyball team. It was a lengthy one, but the first sentence was the important one. That i had been recruited and scouted to play Bear's women volleyball. I don't play volleyball anymore, so i deleted it.
Well, today at 3:26 pm central daylight time, Rich Luenemann called my cell phone. He asked if i was still interested and if i had recieved his email yet. I told him i had and unfortunately, i no longer played volleyball. He wouldn't let it go. So, i took the oportunity to ask him about the hockey program there. There isn't one. He said that he would send me an informational packet on the team, and what the daily, weekly, and monthly schedules were like, what was expected of me on and off the court, and in the classroom, and he just kept talking and talking. Pretty much, the answer is no, even if the Bears' are the Washington University Volleyball 8-Time NCAA III National Champions. I don't really care. I don't want to play volleyball and my knee wouldn't be able to handle it.
Plus, their school sucks. I don't want to major in any of the areas they offer. So, yeah. Apparently i have been drafted to play volleyball, which i don't understand, considering i played on the sophomore volleyball team because my grandmother was sick in the hospital and i missed tryouts for JV/Varsity. I would never had made varsity, but how does one become recruited on the sophomore volleyball team??? What a joke!!!
Friday, May 12, 2006
"If i'm not back in 5 minutes, just wait longer."- Ace Ventura Pet Detective
Yes that's right people i'm blogging during the middle of the day, another reason to love English class. My weekend is about to be pretty busy, so i wanted to take the time to brag about my "open hour". (im supposedly researching...) . I thought that i could bee cool for a while, even though Whalen leaned over my shoulder and jokingly said, "I wonder what you guy's post about government...". me: "oh nothing". Don' tworry guys our secrets should be safe, thanks to me dodgeing a bullet there. Anyway, enjoy the traithalon and spending your quality time with your family and your mothers. I hope you like the title, it seemed relevant in my situation.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Could you please try to title your blogs. I don't know where one ends and another begins and i'm too brain dead to figure it out. So, in other words, a title will do.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Cleithrophobia, Cleithrophobia, Cleithrophobia!!
I, Kayla, have this phobia. Well, the closest thing i can find to what i'm actually fearful of. The problem is, this phobia actually has some cruel irony.
This phobia, Cleithrophobia, is the fear of being locked in an enclosed space, but that's not really what i'm fearful of. I'm afraid of putting on a seat belt, or securing device, and it malfunctioning, and not releasing when i want to get out. Like a seatbelt, in a car, you put it on, and the entire ride, i'll be worrying about when the car stops and i hit that stupid red button, it won't release. Or when i'm at an amusement park, and i'm riding a roller coaster, and you pull down the harness and it locks into place, when the ride is over, the harness won't release. Or, when your on a ride and then have those lap bars, where you push down and they lock, and then you have to push down and then pull up for them to release. My sister thinks it's hilarious to push it so far down, that you can't push down for the goddamn bar to release and it freaks the hell out of me.
This phobia all started when i was four years old my family and i went to visit our friends and spend the week with them at their house. I locked the bathroom door, to you know, go to the bathroom, did my business, flushed the toilet, and preceded to wash my hands. I dried them and went to get out of the bathroom, and the lock wouldn't unlock. I was stuck in that bathroom for four hours, crying and pounding on the bathroom door, before any one noticed that i was missing. They couldn't get the lock unlocked with the key, so they had to unscrew the door handle and take off the door knob, and let me out that way. I was stuck in the bathroom for five hours. This also led to my claustophobia, i believe.
Anways, so my fear of being stuck in locked positions was created. Here's the embarassing situation about it. Well, my fear of locks isn't with just doors, but with any thing that has a lock. I was at the state fair with my family and i really had to go to, (dramatic pause) the bathroom!!! So, my father took me to the porta potties and me, being mortafied about locks, decided that i wasn't going to lock the door (key info, i was like nine). Some extremely nice looking teenage boy opened the door to see my peeing in the porta potty. His face expression looked something like this (pretend this is a hot teenage dude):

So yeah, i was so embarrassed, and i got finished doing whatever i was doing, and left the porta potty, and my dad was rolling on the ground laughing so hard. So, i'm pretty sure that phobias destroy your life. Just an FYI.
The irony of my entire phobia thing is this: If i don't buckle up, i will die or get hurt, but if i do buckle up, i'm so scared that it won't unlock, and i spend my entire time freaking out about it, that i don't have any fun because i'm worrying about it. I haven't enjoyed a ride for years because i freak out about it, and even in cars, i worry that the seat belt is going to unlock. So moral of the story, i don't know. I can't tell which is worse.
I, Kayla, have this phobia. Well, the closest thing i can find to what i'm actually fearful of. The problem is, this phobia actually has some cruel irony.
This phobia, Cleithrophobia, is the fear of being locked in an enclosed space, but that's not really what i'm fearful of. I'm afraid of putting on a seat belt, or securing device, and it malfunctioning, and not releasing when i want to get out. Like a seatbelt, in a car, you put it on, and the entire ride, i'll be worrying about when the car stops and i hit that stupid red button, it won't release. Or when i'm at an amusement park, and i'm riding a roller coaster, and you pull down the harness and it locks into place, when the ride is over, the harness won't release. Or, when your on a ride and then have those lap bars, where you push down and they lock, and then you have to push down and then pull up for them to release. My sister thinks it's hilarious to push it so far down, that you can't push down for the goddamn bar to release and it freaks the hell out of me.
This phobia all started when i was four years old my family and i went to visit our friends and spend the week with them at their house. I locked the bathroom door, to you know, go to the bathroom, did my business, flushed the toilet, and preceded to wash my hands. I dried them and went to get out of the bathroom, and the lock wouldn't unlock. I was stuck in that bathroom for four hours, crying and pounding on the bathroom door, before any one noticed that i was missing. They couldn't get the lock unlocked with the key, so they had to unscrew the door handle and take off the door knob, and let me out that way. I was stuck in the bathroom for five hours. This also led to my claustophobia, i believe.
Anways, so my fear of being stuck in locked positions was created. Here's the embarassing situation about it. Well, my fear of locks isn't with just doors, but with any thing that has a lock. I was at the state fair with my family and i really had to go to, (dramatic pause) the bathroom!!! So, my father took me to the porta potties and me, being mortafied about locks, decided that i wasn't going to lock the door (key info, i was like nine). Some extremely nice looking teenage boy opened the door to see my peeing in the porta potty. His face expression looked something like this (pretend this is a hot teenage dude):
So yeah, i was so embarrassed, and i got finished doing whatever i was doing, and left the porta potty, and my dad was rolling on the ground laughing so hard. So, i'm pretty sure that phobias destroy your life. Just an FYI.
The irony of my entire phobia thing is this: If i don't buckle up, i will die or get hurt, but if i do buckle up, i'm so scared that it won't unlock, and i spend my entire time freaking out about it, that i don't have any fun because i'm worrying about it. I haven't enjoyed a ride for years because i freak out about it, and even in cars, i worry that the seat belt is going to unlock. So moral of the story, i don't know. I can't tell which is worse.
A Tribute!
This tribute is for English Class...word lit. rules i don't care what you AP lit kids think, Mrs Ahmann and Mrs. Anderson are awesome, the rest of the year our classmates teach us AND you get to learn about wierd (and often psychotic or drunk authors) from all over the world. I have kept this one in my back pocket and this post serves as a tribute to: world lit, french people with cool names, breaking the "staches" website commenting rule, and well carpe diem i guess!
I Present to you a personal favorite from world literature: Guy de Mapaussant (gee de mau-pu sant) They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but I only have 100. This is probably all i will remember from lit.
I Present to you a personal favorite from world literature: Guy de Mapaussant (gee de mau-pu sant) They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but I only have 100. This is probably all i will remember from lit.
Monday, May 08, 2006
This Makes Shaun White Hotter!!!!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Pyromaniac's Unite!
Tonight marked the end of review sessions of AP psych. it comes with relief and also fear, but not for all. While leaving the school around 8:45pm amanda and i were casually walking to the parking lot when we notice James (V) and Logan (M) looking with odd grins at something on the ground.
As we get closer we begin to laugh as we observe that they are already burning something, this is to be expected AFTER AP testing, but nonetheless they were alreading burning Peterson's reveiw schedule "in commeration". Just one step closer for many of us.
After history in 8th(?) grade amanda and i had a blast burning all of our history papers and anything else school related. I suggest that we all unite after school ends to burn whats left of our soon to be worthless hard work. Preferiably not a parking lot, could be illegal, but if someone has an ideal place...I will bring the matches!
As we get closer we begin to laugh as we observe that they are already burning something, this is to be expected AFTER AP testing, but nonetheless they were alreading burning Peterson's reveiw schedule "in commeration". Just one step closer for many of us.
After history in 8th(?) grade amanda and i had a blast burning all of our history papers and anything else school related. I suggest that we all unite after school ends to burn whats left of our soon to be worthless hard work. Preferiably not a parking lot, could be illegal, but if someone has an ideal place...I will bring the matches!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
HMMMMM, HMMMMMM, Delightful Images
Friday, May 05, 2006
It's Time To CELEBRATE (well almost) !!!
Instead of studying and thinking about my AP tests, i've thought a lot about what it would be like after i'm finished taking them. For instance, lots of movies, parties, and open hours. What glorious open hours they will be!! I have also put a lot of thinking into how the partying should be done. I don't mean become so inebriated that one needs to be rushed to the emergency room for blood poisoning, but a ceremony that will go down in the history, so that when we are on our death bed, we'll look back and remember what an awesome full blown celebration we had after the hardest tests of our lives had been completed. So i researched what kind of ceremonies are done to celebrate something significant. Here we go!
The Maasai Tribe:

This ceremony is only for the true die hard celebraters after the long haul of studying, anxiety, stress, uncertainty, questioning why on ever did you sign up for such a course, etc.
The Maasai are also famous for drinking a mixture of cattle blood and milk during ceremonial rites. An arrow is shot at close range to punture the jugular vein of the cow. The blood is drawn into a skin gourd and later mixed with milk to be drunk by the gathering. The animal is not left to bleed but is carefully tended to, till it fully heals.Their rites and traditional ceremonies are taken very seriously, and it is not common to allow outsiders to attend.
Pa Dong:
This cermony is more for being married, but i figured we could apply it, by adding a ring per hour studied or adding a ring if you feel an intense emotion of stress.
Rings are snapped around the necks of girls beginning at the age of six. A few rings may be added every year, up to a limit of 20. The record, according to one village woman, is 28 brass rings.
The women's necks aren't actually stretched. Rather, the weight of the rings gradually crushes the women's collar bones, producing the illusion of long necks. At least, that's the official explanation. In person, the effect is sufficiently striking to overwhelm thoughts of any rational explanation. The necks seem eerily elongated. The women look like giraffes.
They move around the village slowly, stopping to pose for tourist photos. Our guide explains that the women only remove the rings on their wedding night. Then, a long and elaborate process of neck washing ensues. Otherwise, the rings must remain in place, because the women's muscles can no longer support the neck alone.
Well, this post will be perhaps continued at a later date, but i doubt. There are thousands of ceremonies and it's taking forever to weed through the traditional dancing around the fire and singing and shouting to the sun gods, and the really insanely cool ones, like stretching necks and drinking cow blood milk. Whatever ceremony you guys are up for, i'm game. maybe we can take a vote with more than sixteen people to decide the fate of us.
The Maasai Tribe:

This ceremony is only for the true die hard celebraters after the long haul of studying, anxiety, stress, uncertainty, questioning why on ever did you sign up for such a course, etc.
The Maasai are also famous for drinking a mixture of cattle blood and milk during ceremonial rites. An arrow is shot at close range to punture the jugular vein of the cow. The blood is drawn into a skin gourd and later mixed with milk to be drunk by the gathering. The animal is not left to bleed but is carefully tended to, till it fully heals.Their rites and traditional ceremonies are taken very seriously, and it is not common to allow outsiders to attend.
Pa Dong:

Rings are snapped around the necks of girls beginning at the age of six. A few rings may be added every year, up to a limit of 20. The record, according to one village woman, is 28 brass rings.
The women's necks aren't actually stretched. Rather, the weight of the rings gradually crushes the women's collar bones, producing the illusion of long necks. At least, that's the official explanation. In person, the effect is sufficiently striking to overwhelm thoughts of any rational explanation. The necks seem eerily elongated. The women look like giraffes.
They move around the village slowly, stopping to pose for tourist photos. Our guide explains that the women only remove the rings on their wedding night. Then, a long and elaborate process of neck washing ensues. Otherwise, the rings must remain in place, because the women's muscles can no longer support the neck alone.
Well, this post will be perhaps continued at a later date, but i doubt. There are thousands of ceremonies and it's taking forever to weed through the traditional dancing around the fire and singing and shouting to the sun gods, and the really insanely cool ones, like stretching necks and drinking cow blood milk. Whatever ceremony you guys are up for, i'm game. maybe we can take a vote with more than sixteen people to decide the fate of us.
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