certain things that have occured recently that have caused me to wonder and/or do a double take:
there was a pretty big storm last night, and when i got to work lacey and misty had worked really late until the bar closed and misty was really concerned about the weather and stayed up a lot later, cause she was freaking out (the roof of the playhouse blew right off). on the other hand aric and i had no clue that there even was a storm....? apparently im a heavy sleeper. i was told that once during the night our tv speakers turned on in the living room and it was a movie with all these gunshots and fighting.....i didn't even know about it until morning.
while touring winona college i saw a sign to promote joining a fraternity with the following quote: "TLK" " the chuck norris of fraternity's"...hmmmm
what do people with majors in communications do for a living? especially if they suck at communicating?
what "kind" of college does not have a football team?, but does have a third ranking paintball team.
where should i have my grad pictures taken?
ohh yes and this just in: lance bass is GAY! (thank you MTV news!).....what!?
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Your Wastebasket Is Really Big!!
Dear Kate:
This is a hamper:

Function: A large basket, usually with a cover, that dirty laundry is put into, to transfer to a washer.
This is a wastebasket:

Function: A container with an open top; for discarded paper and other rubbish such as trash.
But, you know, i can see where these two objects, completely different in function and appearence could confuse you. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! That was hilarious kate. It still makes me laugh.
This is a hamper:
Function: A large basket, usually with a cover, that dirty laundry is put into, to transfer to a washer.
This is a wastebasket:
Function: A container with an open top; for discarded paper and other rubbish such as trash.
But, you know, i can see where these two objects, completely different in function and appearence could confuse you. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! That was hilarious kate. It still makes me laugh.
Thursday, July 20, 2006

I didn't want to go to Texas. I was the oldest young adult that was going, only Traci Miller and Megan Augustinack were in the same grade as me, and about 85% of the people who were going where only freshmen. I didn't want to go with those people. And i had made up my mind that i hated them all. What i got, however, was a suprise. I love each and every one of them for who they are, where they came from, and i admire them for the people they are going to be. What else was extraordinary was that we all got along, and we all just partied hard core Christian style, and had a blast together.
I decided to go to Texas to look for God. I have become so angry and frustrated with God, that i can no longer find him, i no longer pray, and i don't want a relationship with God. I know, I know, i'm a bad person because i don't believe in him, blah blah blah blah. But, without god in my life, i feel as if my life is literally, incomplete. I'm missing a part of me that i want and i need, otherwise i'm going to be miserable. So, i went off on my Journey, and I went to Texas. I didn't see God when i was down there, and on the way home, i was dissappointed in my trip. I didn't find what i was looking for. But in order to find something, you need to remember where you lost it or how, or you need a map to find it. So, i didn't see God in Texas, because i wasn't looking properly. Or i don't know how to look. And when i figured this out, it was weird. My heart felt at peace. And now when i look back on my trip, I see him literally, every where. It is such an incredible feeling that i can't even explain it.
OK. You guys prolly didn't care to know that part. But it feels good. Back to the trip. We did a three day mission trip in Austin, where we scraped and painted houses. I learned a lot about myself and how i viewed the world compared to how these people viewed the world, and i feel ashamed of how i viewed the world before. And the owner of the house that we did, gave us a thank you card and she called us "her Minnesotan Angels" and it brought tears to my eyes, about how someone can feel so grateful for something that wasn't even that big of a deal for us. And it left me wishing that we could have done more for her. Finished her porch, fixed the steps and doors in the back, did some landscaping for her. Debrah deserved a mansion and she is such a good person that i feel honored to ever have met her and i believe that she has changed my life more than i changed hers, and that's truly a blessing for me.
Then we went off to San Antonio for the ELCA National Youth Gathering. With 30,000 teenage lutheran youth running around, it was so cool to see everybody doing the same motions, praising the Lord, going crazy for the same reason. It was overwhelming. Hawk Nelson, The Katinas, Newsboys, Superchik, and Agape were my favorite bands that played and i did like a couple of songs that Peter Mayer and Friends did. Captive Free in Austin was good. Some of the speakers were good. I really liked the pastor who spoke the first night, and that super hilarious guy who was on comedy central the second night.
I have so many memories and so many things that happened on this trip, that i possibly can't share all of them in just this one blog and even if i could, who would really take the time to read all of it. I'll just say that it fulfilled something, some part of me that was missing, and i'm so happy that i went. I can't really explain what i mean. But the trip was a blast, except, i wish i could have spent a little more time with Kate. I didn't even get to talk to Kate that much, which bums me out. But, Kate, I hope that you had as much fun as i did.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
seek, achieve, retain
well i've returned from camp RYLA in good spirits, new friendships, and so many new memories. not to mention the pictures that i will have...you never know.
i truly felt privliged to go to camp, and get so wrapped up in something that was so much bigger than myself. i thought it would be best to sum up a recap of the week, and the most important of the memories. here goes:
Sunday: after the three hour car drive to crookston we finally arive in the gym as family d begins chanting "megan-megan-megan-megan", i just met my "mom and dad" for the next week, and Dayna (mom) leads me to my dorm. my roomate isn't there. we all meet for the first time in the auditorium and first impressions are made within the family. icebreakers, the seven habits of highly effective teens, four way test, handshakes, and around nine o'clock my roomate finally arrives! we head to the dorm and get the most sleep we recieve all week. ( oh yeah and at dinner we meet brad as he and michael demonstrate "snaps"-the canadian game of telepethy- it's amazing!)
Monday:we are woken up by the national guard and whistles! ewww.twenty minutes of boot camp training at 7:15 and we slump back to the dorms. we watched the video about the fish market in seattle and it actually made sense. then the random acts of kindness, to tug at the heart strings. we wore our rotary shirts and my sisters and i headed for the local hospital, with a dozen roses for the patients. it was great, and i gave this one to an old man heading to the parking lot and he took pictures with us. we also made a rose dance with the video camera in the elevator.
Tuesday' tubing day! woohoo! start the day with some relay's and heard the story of dick beardsly (famous runner) he got stuck in a tractor, hit by a truck running, had a car accident, fell off a cliff and had a tree stuck in his eye! he was a standing miracle, but he made his stories funny. finally tubing with my favorite family down the red river. something i have never done before! we shared stories the whole way.
Wednesday: start again at 7:15 with an african workout video, convincing me to search for a leopard/zebra full length leo. ropes challenges, where we had fun in the hypothetical situations of being trapped in a forcefield and having to get each other out. to getting each member through interesting horizontal string designs (evil spider web) where i was lifted through tiny holes no bigger than my TV by six other people. and of course follies probably my favorite part. each family A-O does a cheer, poster and a skit. our cheer was to the adams family song, a poster that included all our socks (symbolicly) and our favorite d-words. then the skit! it was great: micheal and lauren were a couple eating dinner when the waitress (jenessa) asked when the baby was due (not pregnant), then at kelcey and my table we gossipped until she brought a salad with TOMATOES! (allergic). then she goes to the guy's checking us out and grant "drops" his fork and slap's her but (not an actual slap rehersed!!!) jenessa's face was priceless, but she wasn't mad.
Thursday' being on activities committtee i begin the scavenger hunt, then we do "BAFA FAFA"(a cultural expirement) something you must experience to understand. Lunch with crookston rotary, followed by the most boaring speech i have ever heard, then info about UMC where i definitly will not be attending. things ran so late we only had a few minutes to watch the video on etiquitte( and make fun of it) then had to rush to the dorms to get dressed and i didn't even bring shoes! (borrowed from lauren) it was time for fine dining. there were five courses, and we had fun the whole time regardless if they were trying to teach us. dinner even included a violin accompaniement playing yankee doodle dandy, which inspired jenessa to tell us hellen keller jokes. they were sooo bad but sooo funny. one of my favorites: how do you punish hellen keller? leave the plunger in the toilet..........or make her read a basketball. LOL! after dinner we took lots oof pictures and went to the camp talent show. including things from bananna eating, violins, piano's, trumpets, jokes, singing, 2 great humor speeches (the state champs), and "purple donuts" performed by chip ( the camp dance champ), which we think was originally dane cook! oh yes and the defining moment of camp RYLA: paul aka flex-0 comes out to do his routine and there's a hamster dance from google in the back (?) then he folds himself forward and someone has to help him up, she does and.........SMACK he falls straight back on the floor!!OMG! michael says to me " we so called it" it's okay bc he was fine but right after he fell they played a video of cats doing funny things like you see on AFV, and everyone's attention turns to the cats. that night we replayed the moment a million times: paul..... smack 1 2 3 "oh look! CATS! haha!
Friday: marshall olson speaks about loosing his son and concidence or god talking to him. another speech on anything is possible and then we worked on our final speeches. well actually lauren michael and i hung out in the guys dorms till dinner, but it was fun. after dinner there was more free time and then we finally gave our speeches and ended the night with the dance! for the most part it was pretty fun and the only time i will go to a dance with my new friends who i only knew a couple day's and actually don't attend BHS.
then it was the last day and we all promise to stay in touch, as i relflect on everything i learned.
i've never laughed so hard in my life and the people are amazing. i did meet some canadians and they are quite interesting, but we learned to love them and their ketchup chips and candy. there is so much to tell and so many pictures to send and develop. family "D" represent and Lead the way Rylarians!
Megan Kummet
i truly felt privliged to go to camp, and get so wrapped up in something that was so much bigger than myself. i thought it would be best to sum up a recap of the week, and the most important of the memories. here goes:
Sunday: after the three hour car drive to crookston we finally arive in the gym as family d begins chanting "megan-megan-megan-megan", i just met my "mom and dad" for the next week, and Dayna (mom) leads me to my dorm. my roomate isn't there. we all meet for the first time in the auditorium and first impressions are made within the family. icebreakers, the seven habits of highly effective teens, four way test, handshakes, and around nine o'clock my roomate finally arrives! we head to the dorm and get the most sleep we recieve all week. ( oh yeah and at dinner we meet brad as he and michael demonstrate "snaps"-the canadian game of telepethy- it's amazing!)
Monday:we are woken up by the national guard and whistles! ewww.twenty minutes of boot camp training at 7:15 and we slump back to the dorms. we watched the video about the fish market in seattle and it actually made sense. then the random acts of kindness, to tug at the heart strings. we wore our rotary shirts and my sisters and i headed for the local hospital, with a dozen roses for the patients. it was great, and i gave this one to an old man heading to the parking lot and he took pictures with us. we also made a rose dance with the video camera in the elevator.
Tuesday' tubing day! woohoo! start the day with some relay's and heard the story of dick beardsly (famous runner) he got stuck in a tractor, hit by a truck running, had a car accident, fell off a cliff and had a tree stuck in his eye! he was a standing miracle, but he made his stories funny. finally tubing with my favorite family down the red river. something i have never done before! we shared stories the whole way.
Wednesday: start again at 7:15 with an african workout video, convincing me to search for a leopard/zebra full length leo. ropes challenges, where we had fun in the hypothetical situations of being trapped in a forcefield and having to get each other out. to getting each member through interesting horizontal string designs (evil spider web) where i was lifted through tiny holes no bigger than my TV by six other people. and of course follies probably my favorite part. each family A-O does a cheer, poster and a skit. our cheer was to the adams family song, a poster that included all our socks (symbolicly) and our favorite d-words. then the skit! it was great: micheal and lauren were a couple eating dinner when the waitress (jenessa) asked when the baby was due (not pregnant), then at kelcey and my table we gossipped until she brought a salad with TOMATOES! (allergic). then she goes to the guy's checking us out and grant "drops" his fork and slap's her but (not an actual slap rehersed!!!) jenessa's face was priceless, but she wasn't mad.
Thursday' being on activities committtee i begin the scavenger hunt, then we do "BAFA FAFA"(a cultural expirement) something you must experience to understand. Lunch with crookston rotary, followed by the most boaring speech i have ever heard, then info about UMC where i definitly will not be attending. things ran so late we only had a few minutes to watch the video on etiquitte( and make fun of it) then had to rush to the dorms to get dressed and i didn't even bring shoes! (borrowed from lauren) it was time for fine dining. there were five courses, and we had fun the whole time regardless if they were trying to teach us. dinner even included a violin accompaniement playing yankee doodle dandy, which inspired jenessa to tell us hellen keller jokes. they were sooo bad but sooo funny. one of my favorites: how do you punish hellen keller? leave the plunger in the toilet..........or make her read a basketball. LOL! after dinner we took lots oof pictures and went to the camp talent show. including things from bananna eating, violins, piano's, trumpets, jokes, singing, 2 great humor speeches (the state champs), and "purple donuts" performed by chip ( the camp dance champ), which we think was originally dane cook! oh yes and the defining moment of camp RYLA: paul aka flex-0 comes out to do his routine and there's a hamster dance from google in the back (?) then he folds himself forward and someone has to help him up, she does and.........SMACK he falls straight back on the floor!!OMG! michael says to me " we so called it" it's okay bc he was fine but right after he fell they played a video of cats doing funny things like you see on AFV, and everyone's attention turns to the cats. that night we replayed the moment a million times: paul..... smack 1 2 3 "oh look! CATS! haha!
Friday: marshall olson speaks about loosing his son and concidence or god talking to him. another speech on anything is possible and then we worked on our final speeches. well actually lauren michael and i hung out in the guys dorms till dinner, but it was fun. after dinner there was more free time and then we finally gave our speeches and ended the night with the dance! for the most part it was pretty fun and the only time i will go to a dance with my new friends who i only knew a couple day's and actually don't attend BHS.
then it was the last day and we all promise to stay in touch, as i relflect on everything i learned.
i've never laughed so hard in my life and the people are amazing. i did meet some canadians and they are quite interesting, but we learned to love them and their ketchup chips and candy. there is so much to tell and so many pictures to send and develop. family "D" represent and Lead the way Rylarians!
Megan Kummet
Saturday, July 15, 2006
CPR time!!!
i still can't believe that i left for a week and the blog has completly died!!! it's pathetic! oh well...the week was awesome and i will revive the blog later with posts about camp.
in the last two days i slept about a total of ten hours, but with less time sleeping there was more memories being made. lol!
thanks for keepin the dream alive!
in the last two days i slept about a total of ten hours, but with less time sleeping there was more memories being made. lol!
thanks for keepin the dream alive!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
letters from a future "rylarian"
well the fourth was a great day off and i worked the last four days straight with two doubles, but it makes up for the entire week i will miss. tomorrow i am off to crookston at the university of minnesota campus from saturday to saturday (then i work again sun-tues...ewww). amanda adair, katherine wheeler, shaylea jay and i will be attending RYLA (rotary youth leadership award) camp. i really have no idea what to expect. i only know the seven days were based on the book "seven habits of highly effective teens". i also know that we are staying in the campus dorms. i hope that my few church retreats have prepared me well for the akward moments to come, and maybe i'll learn a few things. if nothing else it's really my only week of vacation, and i might even meet some canadians! ahha
like i said i don't really know much about this, but i'll have something to post when i get back for sure. in the meantime i hope the blog can survive! and try to stop people from asking where i am,..........(everyone's like "kummet lets hang out next week!") although i feel bad for joe because he and i are on bathroom duty at the ox (1st-14th) and i won't bee back until after. :(
don't do anything i wouldn't do! and "BE PROACTIVE!" (habit one)
in case your curious http://www.campryla.org/index.html
like i said i don't really know much about this, but i'll have something to post when i get back for sure. in the meantime i hope the blog can survive! and try to stop people from asking where i am,..........(everyone's like "kummet lets hang out next week!") although i feel bad for joe because he and i are on bathroom duty at the ox (1st-14th) and i won't bee back until after. :(
don't do anything i wouldn't do! and "BE PROACTIVE!" (habit one)
in case your curious http://www.campryla.org/index.html
Monday, July 03, 2006
when tourism attacks!!!
well i guess it's safe to say that summer is in full swing people. the tourists are here and i suggest that you take notice of where the car ahead of you was purchased, because let's face it they don't know where they're going. but don't get me wrong i love them, i guess you could say they are what makes brainerd go 'round.
today i worked at the chocolate ox. WHOA! WHAT? and they're still coming were some popular phrases. i have never seen so much ice cream go so fast in my entire life. the numbers might scare you. the ice cream takes up roughly 8 feet of space with a width of 1 and 1/2 feet, and the two moveable registers. somehow we managed to keep up to seven people moving around in this area getting and paying for ice cream. a little bit of cramped quarters, but the tips made up for it. i started at 10 and had a break at 4 ish then left like a half hour later. this is actually parade day in nisswa so they close the store at 7 anyway then reopen after. total for tips: $12.56. not bad for 6 hours of work! keep up the hospitality people!
today i worked at the chocolate ox. WHOA! WHAT? and they're still coming were some popular phrases. i have never seen so much ice cream go so fast in my entire life. the numbers might scare you. the ice cream takes up roughly 8 feet of space with a width of 1 and 1/2 feet, and the two moveable registers. somehow we managed to keep up to seven people moving around in this area getting and paying for ice cream. a little bit of cramped quarters, but the tips made up for it. i started at 10 and had a break at 4 ish then left like a half hour later. this is actually parade day in nisswa so they close the store at 7 anyway then reopen after. total for tips: $12.56. not bad for 6 hours of work! keep up the hospitality people!
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