Sunday, November 26, 2006

tetris in a resturant!!!

well i can't believe it happened AGAIN! the crazyness of sunday's at poncho and lefty's has returned to seek revenge on me. black friday was pretty hellish since people were up and about before usual and hurried to ponchos to find hot fajitas and cold beer before hitting up some more stores. sunday was more like deja vu of last year.

erica and i have always referenced "that one sunday" as a day in history. there was a basketball tournament and the groups flowed in like no other. today i was more prepared and less surprised. we usually have 5 waitresses and one wasn't coming so we thought we would be fine; i mean it was a sunday! brooke told me we had a reservation for 18 at 1:00 and i used every free table in the back to make it. half an hour later a lady comes in and says we have 18, did you call?, no, (oh shit) how long until your all here? about 5 min...can we put up a sign? me: oooooooookkkay.

amazingly we fit in this other 18 who did not have a little sign , but one big ass sign! which they left outside the door for all the customers to see. heather erickson set a new record for diving. Mo their watiress comes to the table to get her order: "what can i get you?"......"this is heather she just set a new record for diving!!!"......"okay - what can i get you?". then they brought the sign inside and put it by the table just in case we were confused.

after the first 18 the next group had 11 which later became 15 and had to be skattered in the back. then after they were sat (no frickin way) a 13 comes. oh seriously where the hell are we supposed to put you?! can't you have fewer friends? and yet we are amazing so we make it happen. then the second 18 shows up and i'm ready to call it a day! maximum capacity meant nothing to us. just another one of those sunday's.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Pie A'lamode no more!

wed. night was a blast, but thursday proved to be more difficult. we headed to sauk rapids in good time and shortly after eating i was feeling pretty good and reminiscing by watching rugrats to TV with my cousin shannon (my age) and Hailey (8). a few hours later, i hadmy glorious defeat in hide and seek and questions about this new game "animals" where we're all animals and there is a zookeeper after us as we try and escape that will cut of our heads if we are caught. hmmm kids really have become more violent. later it seemed as though the food wasn't settling with me right. once i figured out it was that time of the month i was worried. turns out we had to hit up another thanksgiving party in royalton, and by then i was so fatigued i was falling asleep and fast. when i got there i was please to see leather couches and crashed while watching "who wants to be a millionare". then i started salivating a lot. awww crap! well there goes the thanksgiving dinner. then i crashed on the couch again for and hour and a half until we left.
My point is be thankful for your own thanksgiving dinners and glad you were not me. and if they offer pie and you are not hungry DON'T take it.

Monday, November 20, 2006

have ya ever just felt like drinking?

yeah or driving really fast, hitting a punching bag, picking up karate for a day, kicking the shit out of something, hitting a computer printer with a baseball bat until it's unrecognizable, lighting something on fire just to watch it burn, getting revenge, throwing a pie in someones face, yelling i told you so, giving someone the evil stare and knowing they felt it, tipping over a piece of furniture, yelling, running, sleeping for days, punching someone in the face .

this could be an e-mail except i refuse to mention god-im just too angry.

what's left? i gotta let some of this go soon or im going to seriously get an ulcer. just as a warning to my peers if i let go completly you may see that megan that your really confused about. aka me as a senior that just doesn't care anymore. only time wil tell. frustration is a bitch. count your blessings.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

la fiesta de blogs! according to TIME magazine

TIME magazine shows the following numbers:

4,000: the number of bligs in the "blogging élite", which have at least 500 other blogs linking to them

unfortunatly this blog does not have links, but who would have thought we were elite to begin with?

100,000: the number of new blogs created each day according to blog tracker Technorati, which estimates 1.3 million posts are added daily

i thought the least i could so was contribute to that one.

keep those blogs alive my friends! that is all.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

where is the luck? and what the fuck?!!!

so wednesday's are ruined forever! today qualley's grand ma dies, there was a fight in the lunchroom and i got a fucking parking ticket! not a parking ticket....a fucking parking ticket!

WHY? "restricted parking?" this is worse than the time i got kicked off the bus. yes it happened and mainly because of pure luck and right place at the right time situations. i had nothing to really do with either. i think there was a sign that said no parking during school or something, which was not there three hours ago. nonetheless there is no school going on there and 3:30 is after school hours. the right place was washington and the time part was wierd. i had parked in the exact same spot the last two times we were at washington including today! why now? well $25 and more swearwords than this blog can sustain. %$#@*!% police!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

"what fhe thuck?" "its 5:30 in the morning?" the story of the poncho's slumber party

so what a friday. once that bell rang after the last hour of class i spent watching 7th heaven (snooze). from there i was like a rocket quite literally. friday i did some of the most "reckless" driving i have done in a long time. from the senior lot i attempted to drive to northway const. offices. friday's are not the best time to sell (cupon books) but it's usually the only day i have time. I manages to sell three and sped off for home cause i was at the stoplight by FF and it was already 3:40 (i had to work at 4!) my road rage escalated until i was finally moving. i ran into the house and grabbed all my sleepover stuff, shoes and of course my shirt, dashed back to the car and i was off. i ran into work at about 3:57 with three minutes to change my shoes shirt and clock in. phew! that was a close one man! then work turned out to be not too exciting and i was done by 8 ish heading home with my dinner.
then i went to heathers to lead her to jess g's house the slumber party location. first we went to applebee's (who would have thought!) well jess's roomate works there and after we went back to her place and watched the movie stick it, which was when amanda got the drunken phone call from two of our co-workers, sang to brittany spears at 2 in the morning and learned that sam is a closet freak of brittany spears! while we still had the adrenniline in us we began the dance party, which gave rise to the side ponytails and also the many photos. then we played apples to apples and i've never. by this time it was probably like 3-4 in the morning and we all laughed at the idea that heather would be at dance in 4 hours! and i know we wont forget those pictures that we all took of sam and christine when they fell asleep. hey that's what you get! we gave up around 5:30 am and woke up around 10 ish. unfourtunatly at this time i have a pretty bad cold and needed the extra sleep anyway. at least i don't work this weekend then, and a slumber party with very little slumber, who would have thought!