well obviously it's christmas break and with the lack of stats homework i have discovered new and exciting things!
1. i played wii sports...........(!) wow i sucked but it was ton's of fun, and boxing rules!
2. um i started expo-ing (see other post)
3. i purchased a pair of mocassins the other night at FF and they are actually pretty addicting
4. i went to the laundromat - i really like the smell there
5. i shoveled the driveway...many times
what is left to happen i do not know, but i'm sooooo ready! breaks kick ass!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Seasons greetings (in case you didn't receive one)
Season’s greetings: to all our family and friends. We hope that this year has treated you well thus far, and that the New Year will bring you new beginnings. It’s been a busy year for the Kummet family and as usual I will fill you in on what’s been new with us.
Bob spent the last year trying a new job by working as the maintenance manager at the Holiday Inn Express. He enjoyed working indoors and in the considerably warmer conditions, but ultimately decided to just finish out his year in May of 2006. He decided not to go back to NOR-SON and was offered a job with Steve Northway’s new company: Northway Construction. Things have been starting out good and as always, he has enough side projects to keep him busy if there is down time at home. He also plans to enjoy the winter with his hobby of snowmobileing.
Doris still has her job at Mills Fleet Farm in the clothing department and it keeps her especially busy during the winter season. She enjoyed our family trip to Mexico this last spring, and tries to find time to relax at home too. Recently I have been trying to teach her some e-mailing on the computer so that we can communicate easily next year. This has been an interesting, but useful challenge for her.
I (megan) have the most exciting year to come. I’m a senior this year and a lot of seniors would say they would rather be at college and can’t wait until graduation. Not me, that’s not the case. I have enjoyed this year more than ever and so much is left to plan that I’m just taking each day at a time. I am not in dance this year, which gives me more time to do other things. Like work, homework for AP classes, traveling and spending time with friends. I am looking forward to traveling to Costa Rica during Spring break and staying with a family there, along with the BHS Spanish department. Then shortly after returning the symphonic band will be leaving Easter Sunday for California. As far as college goes my top two choices would be Concordia (in Moorhead) and Saint Scholastica (in Duluth), and I intend to major in Psychology. Either place would work for me, and I’m sure the final decision will be satisfactory.
Well we are a small family, but looking at this it’s apparent that we certainly have enough to keep us busy. New changes are always waiting, and thus far I think our family has handled them well. We would like to wish for all our friends and family a year that they can remember in a good way, and the best they deserve. Happy Holiday’s!
The Kummet’s
Bob spent the last year trying a new job by working as the maintenance manager at the Holiday Inn Express. He enjoyed working indoors and in the considerably warmer conditions, but ultimately decided to just finish out his year in May of 2006. He decided not to go back to NOR-SON and was offered a job with Steve Northway’s new company: Northway Construction. Things have been starting out good and as always, he has enough side projects to keep him busy if there is down time at home. He also plans to enjoy the winter with his hobby of snowmobileing.
Doris still has her job at Mills Fleet Farm in the clothing department and it keeps her especially busy during the winter season. She enjoyed our family trip to Mexico this last spring, and tries to find time to relax at home too. Recently I have been trying to teach her some e-mailing on the computer so that we can communicate easily next year. This has been an interesting, but useful challenge for her.
I (megan) have the most exciting year to come. I’m a senior this year and a lot of seniors would say they would rather be at college and can’t wait until graduation. Not me, that’s not the case. I have enjoyed this year more than ever and so much is left to plan that I’m just taking each day at a time. I am not in dance this year, which gives me more time to do other things. Like work, homework for AP classes, traveling and spending time with friends. I am looking forward to traveling to Costa Rica during Spring break and staying with a family there, along with the BHS Spanish department. Then shortly after returning the symphonic band will be leaving Easter Sunday for California. As far as college goes my top two choices would be Concordia (in Moorhead) and Saint Scholastica (in Duluth), and I intend to major in Psychology. Either place would work for me, and I’m sure the final decision will be satisfactory.
Well we are a small family, but looking at this it’s apparent that we certainly have enough to keep us busy. New changes are always waiting, and thus far I think our family has handled them well. We would like to wish for all our friends and family a year that they can remember in a good way, and the best they deserve. Happy Holiday’s!
The Kummet’s
Friday, December 22, 2006
oh my i almost forgot!!
the irony: when i WAS a kixter i never seemed to receive the e-mails, often important ones telling me when we were leaving for comp.'s ect. now that i am "alumni" (i quit) i DO get the e-mails. the last one almost made me die. it's an interactive e-mail of cindy clough dancing with the body of elf (will ferrel movie) with her head photoshoped into it so that it looks like her dancing. it would be mean to make a link so if you want to see it let me know! it's friggin "hilar"ious! happy holidays.
"okay well what's this one? huh?" "i wanna say TJ's"
well tonight i began a new chapter in my life at poncho and lefty's as not only a hostess, but an "expo". i will be using this term more frequently than before so i think it's important top inform the poeple what it actually is, and how my first night went.
since i'm 18 i should be able to waitress, but we don't really need waitresses right now, and amanda j would be promoted first since she has worked there about six months longer than me. makes sense. a step necessary to waitress is the need to know about all the food, and i'm talking everything! as a waitress your expected to bring out all the food to your tables, but on busier nights there are extra people in the kitchen to help get the food out of the way and into the dining room, if the waitress is busy, or whatever. or if for example the waitress has a table of 20 people she cannot obviously bring out all the food at once.
so training night number one was pretty good. i already knew all the table numbers, and what many of the cold line, as well as a few hot line items looked like. i learned how to request fajitas, the three main chimichangas, what's hot and what's not, difference in burritos and enchiladas where the "sauce thingy" is, where the dressing is, and how to roll silverware. it went pretty well and i brought out the first big tray (we're talking like a two foot long tray) and where does it go, but to senora wiger's table of family. Que barbaridad! i also now can reap the benifit of getting tips! which i haven't really had since the Ox.
funny moment of the night: i go to bring an el presidente (biggest thing on the menu) and fajita burrito to 107. the woman is surprised by the size and her husband mentions that there is a hobo outside they could give the food to. me: really!? him: no actuallu there isn't one outside, but i saw this one by the mall...and this one time when i was in rochester i saw this homeless guy...other side of the bridge another homeless guy....later....me: enjoy your meal! um that was odd, i'm not even their waitress. oh well.
since i'm 18 i should be able to waitress, but we don't really need waitresses right now, and amanda j would be promoted first since she has worked there about six months longer than me. makes sense. a step necessary to waitress is the need to know about all the food, and i'm talking everything! as a waitress your expected to bring out all the food to your tables, but on busier nights there are extra people in the kitchen to help get the food out of the way and into the dining room, if the waitress is busy, or whatever. or if for example the waitress has a table of 20 people she cannot obviously bring out all the food at once.
so training night number one was pretty good. i already knew all the table numbers, and what many of the cold line, as well as a few hot line items looked like. i learned how to request fajitas, the three main chimichangas, what's hot and what's not, difference in burritos and enchiladas where the "sauce thingy" is, where the dressing is, and how to roll silverware. it went pretty well and i brought out the first big tray (we're talking like a two foot long tray) and where does it go, but to senora wiger's table of family. Que barbaridad! i also now can reap the benifit of getting tips! which i haven't really had since the Ox.
funny moment of the night: i go to bring an el presidente (biggest thing on the menu) and fajita burrito to 107. the woman is surprised by the size and her husband mentions that there is a hobo outside they could give the food to. me: really!? him: no actuallu there isn't one outside, but i saw this one by the mall...and this one time when i was in rochester i saw this homeless guy...other side of the bridge another homeless guy....later....me: enjoy your meal! um that was odd, i'm not even their waitress. oh well.
Monday, December 18, 2006
what a weekend!!!
wow! i have just survived the busiest weekend yet this year. on friday i went to the boys b-ball game, then spent the night at AO's and watched talladega nights and went to bed around 1:30am. then when badge and i woke up there was already breakfast downstairs, including eggs, hashbrowns, and chocolate chip pancakes. mmmmm.
then kate and i got our nails done which was interesting, i ran around town a little ate lunch took a shower, and then angie came over to do my hair. she did such a good job it was amazing and she wouldn't even let me pay her. then i got dressed fast took some pictures (the rents went to their x-mas party). We met a few people at perkins. then we drove out to kim's house in nisswa and there was even more food! it was delicious and we had a really good time there especially the flash cards. then of course off to the ball. apparently low expectations is key. it was a good time overall though and i don't regret it. we left around 11:30 and drove the half mile over to manda's house and changed. i was pretty tired and had to work in about twelve hours so i decided not to go out to carolyn's and went to bed at 1 ish.
i pretty much got up and went to work on sunday and it was so boring i got home early, and also wasn't feeling too good so i took a nap for a while. then went over to AO's for a while about the synthesis project before she went to church, then back at home the party was just getting started. my mom was having her x-mas party for work at around 6 and i had to help get it going. she ordered 8 pizzas from three places and we had almost ten different desserts!! the spread was amazing and they were an raucous group. when AO stopped by we showed them how to play apples to apples, but i don't think they really got it. so they gave up shortly after and decided to go for mad gab. at that point we left to finally start working on our project at AO's around 9 pm. we worked straight through till about 11:30 and which point i was almost hysterical and everything was kinda hilarious! nonetheless we got it done, and just as i had dreamed nemi did not show up to class today so it hardly even mattered. dreams do come true.
then kate and i got our nails done which was interesting, i ran around town a little ate lunch took a shower, and then angie came over to do my hair. she did such a good job it was amazing and she wouldn't even let me pay her. then i got dressed fast took some pictures (the rents went to their x-mas party). We met a few people at perkins. then we drove out to kim's house in nisswa and there was even more food! it was delicious and we had a really good time there especially the flash cards. then of course off to the ball. apparently low expectations is key. it was a good time overall though and i don't regret it. we left around 11:30 and drove the half mile over to manda's house and changed. i was pretty tired and had to work in about twelve hours so i decided not to go out to carolyn's and went to bed at 1 ish.
i pretty much got up and went to work on sunday and it was so boring i got home early, and also wasn't feeling too good so i took a nap for a while. then went over to AO's for a while about the synthesis project before she went to church, then back at home the party was just getting started. my mom was having her x-mas party for work at around 6 and i had to help get it going. she ordered 8 pizzas from three places and we had almost ten different desserts!! the spread was amazing and they were an raucous group. when AO stopped by we showed them how to play apples to apples, but i don't think they really got it. so they gave up shortly after and decided to go for mad gab. at that point we left to finally start working on our project at AO's around 9 pm. we worked straight through till about 11:30 and which point i was almost hysterical and everything was kinda hilarious! nonetheless we got it done, and just as i had dreamed nemi did not show up to class today so it hardly even mattered. dreams do come true.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
"make one shaped like a fish!!"
so today i laughed so hard i couldn't believe that it was only tuesday, which is a good thing since this weekend is going to be my busiest yet, even though it is going to be a blast!
so far this year for 6th hour soc. we have had mrs nemi a few times already, which really makes me feel bad for amanda and luke who have her two hours in a row! ouch! even if she hasn't subbed (i don't know if that's a word?) for us she had us in her classroom/her class in ours. today during 5th hour lang (for manda) carlson comes in and tells nemi that she had a fish bone stuck in her throat and it doesn't seem to be coming loose.!?! so nemi subs again for her 6th hour. she arrives just as the bell rings (it's a long walk) and announces to our "mainstream" class that "mrs carlson had to go to the emergency room." well understandably we asked no questions and remained very calm. jk she goes on to tell everyone about the fish bone, and then relates it to the story of the time her daughter (who is having a baby this week! cant forget!) got a piece steak lodged in her throat and she went to the emergency room and they hooked it right out of her (this one came with a visual gesture).
a little later this girl comes in (obviously looking for carlson) and nemi tells her that she is in the emergency room with a fish bone in her throat. not that she needed to know...?
at the end of the hour we had some extra time so manda and i were using our imaginations to exaggerate mrs nemi's treatment of the situation. we talked about how when the girl came in nemi would tell her to make get better cards, and then one for her that che can give to the grandbaby, but not blue or pink, (cause she doesn't know) maybe some yellow or green so it's gender neutral. we went on in the back of the room impersonating what she would say, as she was sitting up front. we exaggerated her yelling at the student making the card cause she couldn't spell corroborate or some other big word, and to sign her name. then manda had the idea of the get well card we were dreaming of making that nemi would demand it in the shape of a fish, since it was a fish bone that she choked on!
other funny moments included when she thought she heard the guys say a "dirty word' even though they were reading the geography poster and the word beach was heard as something else. then she was asking amy about her mom knowing wether she had twins, how she knew, ect. seemingly fishing for the idea of having twin grandbabies. she is so obsessed.
i laughed and then i cried. love it. megan
so far this year for 6th hour soc. we have had mrs nemi a few times already, which really makes me feel bad for amanda and luke who have her two hours in a row! ouch! even if she hasn't subbed (i don't know if that's a word?) for us she had us in her classroom/her class in ours. today during 5th hour lang (for manda) carlson comes in and tells nemi that she had a fish bone stuck in her throat and it doesn't seem to be coming loose.!?! so nemi subs again for her 6th hour. she arrives just as the bell rings (it's a long walk) and announces to our "mainstream" class that "mrs carlson had to go to the emergency room." well understandably we asked no questions and remained very calm. jk she goes on to tell everyone about the fish bone, and then relates it to the story of the time her daughter (who is having a baby this week! cant forget!) got a piece steak lodged in her throat and she went to the emergency room and they hooked it right out of her (this one came with a visual gesture).
a little later this girl comes in (obviously looking for carlson) and nemi tells her that she is in the emergency room with a fish bone in her throat. not that she needed to know...?
at the end of the hour we had some extra time so manda and i were using our imaginations to exaggerate mrs nemi's treatment of the situation. we talked about how when the girl came in nemi would tell her to make get better cards, and then one for her that che can give to the grandbaby, but not blue or pink, (cause she doesn't know) maybe some yellow or green so it's gender neutral. we went on in the back of the room impersonating what she would say, as she was sitting up front. we exaggerated her yelling at the student making the card cause she couldn't spell corroborate or some other big word, and to sign her name. then manda had the idea of the get well card we were dreaming of making that nemi would demand it in the shape of a fish, since it was a fish bone that she choked on!
other funny moments included when she thought she heard the guys say a "dirty word' even though they were reading the geography poster and the word beach was heard as something else. then she was asking amy about her mom knowing wether she had twins, how she knew, ect. seemingly fishing for the idea of having twin grandbabies. she is so obsessed.
i laughed and then i cried. love it. megan
Saturday, December 09, 2006
karma is not alway's good
so i ran a few errands this afternoon, and now i officially have three dollars and some change. that might not even be enough for a half price meal at ponchos. oh well. the bank isn't open anyway. one of my stops was wall mart and seeing as i'm not a big shopper in general, seeing me in wall mart on a saturday is a stretch to begin with. the place is huge and yet it was amazingly full! last saturday i was there also, not shopping necessarily, but ringing the bells for the salvation army. if you remember it was like a blistering 0 degrees with probaly a below zero windchill, and i stood outside and froze like i have never done in my life. people shopping and donating both thought we were mentally insane to stand out there, and i was likely to agree.
today however has been some of the warmest weather that we have seen in weeks, and the THREE people ringing bells today looked quite comfy and cozy if you will. this saturday would have been great, But no! proven case and fact that my luck is worse than yours, so enjoy it!
today however has been some of the warmest weather that we have seen in weeks, and the THREE people ringing bells today looked quite comfy and cozy if you will. this saturday would have been great, But no! proven case and fact that my luck is worse than yours, so enjoy it!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
is it sad that i don't care?
so today it was announced that there are no christmas ball tickets left. zero. nada. zip. i was sad, but for like a minute then i was kinda over it. i've never gone anyway and with this year's abundance of sophomores it is unlikely that i would know half the people there. instead being the optomist i am i figure i will celebrate this day equally, but preferrably while wearing jeans and not a skintight, formal ,sparkly dress in ten below weather.
thus far the amanda's and i have all consented to doing something together, and making things about as informal as they can be. we too intend to party the night away, and are looking for more people to join us. casino's are ruled out b/c amanda a is 17, but this has potential for a pretty outrageous and exclusive senior party that i cannot even predict. although i do forsee us all going to applebees at some insanely late hour and laughing non-stop. with 1,000 less bhs students invading the town on a saturday night and all of us requesting the night off of work the possibilites are endless. stay warm: megan
thus far the amanda's and i have all consented to doing something together, and making things about as informal as they can be. we too intend to party the night away, and are looking for more people to join us. casino's are ruled out b/c amanda a is 17, but this has potential for a pretty outrageous and exclusive senior party that i cannot even predict. although i do forsee us all going to applebees at some insanely late hour and laughing non-stop. with 1,000 less bhs students invading the town on a saturday night and all of us requesting the night off of work the possibilites are endless. stay warm: megan
Sunday, November 26, 2006
tetris in a resturant!!!
well i can't believe it happened AGAIN! the crazyness of sunday's at poncho and lefty's has returned to seek revenge on me. black friday was pretty hellish since people were up and about before usual and hurried to ponchos to find hot fajitas and cold beer before hitting up some more stores. sunday was more like deja vu of last year.
erica and i have always referenced "that one sunday" as a day in history. there was a basketball tournament and the groups flowed in like no other. today i was more prepared and less surprised. we usually have 5 waitresses and one wasn't coming so we thought we would be fine; i mean it was a sunday! brooke told me we had a reservation for 18 at 1:00 and i used every free table in the back to make it. half an hour later a lady comes in and says we have 18, did you call?, no, (oh shit) how long until your all here? about 5 min...can we put up a sign? me: oooooooookkkay.
amazingly we fit in this other 18 who did not have a little sign , but one big ass sign! which they left outside the door for all the customers to see. heather erickson set a new record for diving. Mo their watiress comes to the table to get her order: "what can i get you?"......"this is heather she just set a new record for diving!!!"......"okay - what can i get you?". then they brought the sign inside and put it by the table just in case we were confused.
after the first 18 the next group had 11 which later became 15 and had to be skattered in the back. then after they were sat (no frickin way) a 13 comes. oh seriously where the hell are we supposed to put you?! can't you have fewer friends? and yet we are amazing so we make it happen. then the second 18 shows up and i'm ready to call it a day! maximum capacity meant nothing to us. just another one of those sunday's.
erica and i have always referenced "that one sunday" as a day in history. there was a basketball tournament and the groups flowed in like no other. today i was more prepared and less surprised. we usually have 5 waitresses and one wasn't coming so we thought we would be fine; i mean it was a sunday! brooke told me we had a reservation for 18 at 1:00 and i used every free table in the back to make it. half an hour later a lady comes in and says we have 18, did you call?, no, (oh shit) how long until your all here? about 5 min...can we put up a sign? me: oooooooookkkay.
amazingly we fit in this other 18 who did not have a little sign , but one big ass sign! which they left outside the door for all the customers to see. heather erickson set a new record for diving. Mo their watiress comes to the table to get her order: "what can i get you?"......"this is heather she just set a new record for diving!!!"......"okay - what can i get you?". then they brought the sign inside and put it by the table just in case we were confused.
after the first 18 the next group had 11 which later became 15 and had to be skattered in the back. then after they were sat (no frickin way) a 13 comes. oh seriously where the hell are we supposed to put you?! can't you have fewer friends? and yet we are amazing so we make it happen. then the second 18 shows up and i'm ready to call it a day! maximum capacity meant nothing to us. just another one of those sunday's.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Pie A'lamode no more!
wed. night was a blast, but thursday proved to be more difficult. we headed to sauk rapids in good time and shortly after eating i was feeling pretty good and reminiscing by watching rugrats to TV with my cousin shannon (my age) and Hailey (8). a few hours later, i hadmy glorious defeat in hide and seek and questions about this new game "animals" where we're all animals and there is a zookeeper after us as we try and escape that will cut of our heads if we are caught. hmmm kids really have become more violent. later it seemed as though the food wasn't settling with me right. once i figured out it was that time of the month i was worried. turns out we had to hit up another thanksgiving party in royalton, and by then i was so fatigued i was falling asleep and fast. when i got there i was please to see leather couches and crashed while watching "who wants to be a millionare". then i started salivating a lot. awww crap! well there goes the thanksgiving dinner. then i crashed on the couch again for and hour and a half until we left.
My point is be thankful for your own thanksgiving dinners and glad you were not me. and if they offer pie and you are not hungry DON'T take it.
My point is be thankful for your own thanksgiving dinners and glad you were not me. and if they offer pie and you are not hungry DON'T take it.
Monday, November 20, 2006
have ya ever just felt like drinking?
yeah or driving really fast, hitting a punching bag, picking up karate for a day, kicking the shit out of something, hitting a computer printer with a baseball bat until it's unrecognizable, lighting something on fire just to watch it burn, getting revenge, throwing a pie in someones face, yelling i told you so, giving someone the evil stare and knowing they felt it, tipping over a piece of furniture, yelling, running, sleeping for days, punching someone in the face .
this could be an e-mail except i refuse to mention god-im just too angry.
what's left? i gotta let some of this go soon or im going to seriously get an ulcer. just as a warning to my peers if i let go completly you may see that megan that your really confused about. aka me as a senior that just doesn't care anymore. only time wil tell. frustration is a bitch. count your blessings.
this could be an e-mail except i refuse to mention god-im just too angry.
what's left? i gotta let some of this go soon or im going to seriously get an ulcer. just as a warning to my peers if i let go completly you may see that megan that your really confused about. aka me as a senior that just doesn't care anymore. only time wil tell. frustration is a bitch. count your blessings.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
la fiesta de blogs! according to TIME magazine
TIME magazine shows the following numbers:
4,000: the number of bligs in the "blogging élite", which have at least 500 other blogs linking to them
unfortunatly this blog does not have links, but who would have thought we were elite to begin with?
100,000: the number of new blogs created each day according to blog tracker Technorati, which estimates 1.3 million posts are added daily
i thought the least i could so was contribute to that one.
keep those blogs alive my friends! that is all.
4,000: the number of bligs in the "blogging élite", which have at least 500 other blogs linking to them
unfortunatly this blog does not have links, but who would have thought we were elite to begin with?
100,000: the number of new blogs created each day according to blog tracker Technorati, which estimates 1.3 million posts are added daily
i thought the least i could so was contribute to that one.
keep those blogs alive my friends! that is all.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
where is the luck? and what the fuck?!!!
so wednesday's are ruined forever! today qualley's grand ma dies, there was a fight in the lunchroom and i got a fucking parking ticket! not a parking ticket....a fucking parking ticket!
WHY? "restricted parking?" this is worse than the time i got kicked off the bus. yes it happened and mainly because of pure luck and right place at the right time situations. i had nothing to really do with either. i think there was a sign that said no parking during school or something, which was not there three hours ago. nonetheless there is no school going on there and 3:30 is after school hours. the right place was washington and the time part was wierd. i had parked in the exact same spot the last two times we were at washington including today! why now? well $25 and more swearwords than this blog can sustain. %$#@*!% police!
WHY? "restricted parking?" this is worse than the time i got kicked off the bus. yes it happened and mainly because of pure luck and right place at the right time situations. i had nothing to really do with either. i think there was a sign that said no parking during school or something, which was not there three hours ago. nonetheless there is no school going on there and 3:30 is after school hours. the right place was washington and the time part was wierd. i had parked in the exact same spot the last two times we were at washington including today! why now? well $25 and more swearwords than this blog can sustain. %$#@*!% police!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
"what fhe thuck?" "its 5:30 in the morning?" the story of the poncho's slumber party
so what a friday. once that bell rang after the last hour of class i spent watching 7th heaven (snooze). from there i was like a rocket quite literally. friday i did some of the most "reckless" driving i have done in a long time. from the senior lot i attempted to drive to northway const. offices. friday's are not the best time to sell (cupon books) but it's usually the only day i have time. I manages to sell three and sped off for home cause i was at the stoplight by FF and it was already 3:40 (i had to work at 4!) my road rage escalated until i was finally moving. i ran into the house and grabbed all my sleepover stuff, shoes and of course my shirt, dashed back to the car and i was off. i ran into work at about 3:57 with three minutes to change my shoes shirt and clock in. phew! that was a close one man! then work turned out to be not too exciting and i was done by 8 ish heading home with my dinner.
then i went to heathers to lead her to jess g's house the slumber party location. first we went to applebee's (who would have thought!) well jess's roomate works there and after we went back to her place and watched the movie stick it, which was when amanda got the drunken phone call from two of our co-workers, sang to brittany spears at 2 in the morning and learned that sam is a closet freak of brittany spears! while we still had the adrenniline in us we began the dance party, which gave rise to the side ponytails and also the many photos. then we played apples to apples and i've never. by this time it was probably like 3-4 in the morning and we all laughed at the idea that heather would be at dance in 4 hours! and i know we wont forget those pictures that we all took of sam and christine when they fell asleep. hey that's what you get! we gave up around 5:30 am and woke up around 10 ish. unfourtunatly at this time i have a pretty bad cold and needed the extra sleep anyway. at least i don't work this weekend then, and a slumber party with very little slumber, who would have thought!
then i went to heathers to lead her to jess g's house the slumber party location. first we went to applebee's (who would have thought!) well jess's roomate works there and after we went back to her place and watched the movie stick it, which was when amanda got the drunken phone call from two of our co-workers, sang to brittany spears at 2 in the morning and learned that sam is a closet freak of brittany spears! while we still had the adrenniline in us we began the dance party, which gave rise to the side ponytails and also the many photos. then we played apples to apples and i've never. by this time it was probably like 3-4 in the morning and we all laughed at the idea that heather would be at dance in 4 hours! and i know we wont forget those pictures that we all took of sam and christine when they fell asleep. hey that's what you get! we gave up around 5:30 am and woke up around 10 ish. unfourtunatly at this time i have a pretty bad cold and needed the extra sleep anyway. at least i don't work this weekend then, and a slumber party with very little slumber, who would have thought!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
this just in.......!
i just bought the dane cook CD! im talking like 25 tracks plus a bonus and a DVD with like three or four appearances on it. my life is complete. that is all. (at least for me)
Sunday, October 22, 2006
"the buffalo is the largest of the ass mammals"
i started off my MEA with a visit to concordia (in moorhead). i met with my roomate whittney who lived in park region, and impressed my mom with her dorm. we talked a little about school and such and she too had actually considered a major in psychology, but ended up choosing art. she showed me her psych textbook and hinted that the professor (dr. olson) was "good looking" or in her words "hot". this would later be confirmed. that night we actually went to a jazz band concert and i heard some familiar songs like night train, benny goodman, and saint thomas. they were really good and had a lot of improv (?) solos which were realy cool, especially this one drum solo that was like ten minutes long. he was amazing! then we went back to the dorm and the roomates worked on their papers and i relaxed a while. that night was pretty interesting when some friends came by. the title was a quote from on of sarah's textbooks (she studies in equine science), and whitney's roomate form little falls just kept making fun of it. we shared funny stories and talked about the guys they knew and as things got more interesting they mentioned "oh megan will have some stories to tell when she gets home" this is true.
the next day i had breakfast, and my mom met with me as josh led us on a tour especially to all the dorms. josh (a senior) by the way was also pretty good looking, just in case you wanted to know. i went to a freshman english class and then to a psychology one and after met the famously new dr olson, he was nice.
NDSU the next day-after i was highly discouraged. we got lost just trying to leave it sucked and it was cold! at least after three hours of walking we evened it out with three of driving. then AO and i went to b-dubs and even though our waitress didn't show up the food was great! after dinner there i met my family with aunt, uncle, and cousin at blask bear. haley really wanted me to go swimming with her at the suites so being the great cousin i am i did and came home exhausted.
after that day my mom and i did some shopping and errands the next morning and then i soon had to go to work. after my oh so long two hour shift i met AO and badge at the movie store and we decided on my house for the movie. at my house though it was tori, AO and i. we enjoyed the movie sweet 16 which should not be rated PG and had come jones soda.
yesterday i worked for a whoping three hours and then amanda and i made the journey to little falls- "the city of lights". to erin's house. there we watched erin and megHan cook for a few hours and had a lot of good laughs. then we had a very fancy dinner in the dining room and set off to visit moliters haunted acres. we began with a hay ride where people would jump out of little hiding spots and onto the hay ride pacing back and forth staring us down. ther were even TWO guys with chainsaws! they weren't real but they would saw at the benches and you could feel the vibration of the chain. they even had a scene that portrayed the ring! then after the hayride we went into the mine shafte and then like 5 other houses and by the end our arms were sore and our throats! we went back to erins with jsut enough time to watch tristen and isolde a heartbreaking tale that as friends we were able to make fun of constantly.
wow i love MEA! hope everyone else had a great time too!
the next day i had breakfast, and my mom met with me as josh led us on a tour especially to all the dorms. josh (a senior) by the way was also pretty good looking, just in case you wanted to know. i went to a freshman english class and then to a psychology one and after met the famously new dr olson, he was nice.
NDSU the next day-after i was highly discouraged. we got lost just trying to leave it sucked and it was cold! at least after three hours of walking we evened it out with three of driving. then AO and i went to b-dubs and even though our waitress didn't show up the food was great! after dinner there i met my family with aunt, uncle, and cousin at blask bear. haley really wanted me to go swimming with her at the suites so being the great cousin i am i did and came home exhausted.
after that day my mom and i did some shopping and errands the next morning and then i soon had to go to work. after my oh so long two hour shift i met AO and badge at the movie store and we decided on my house for the movie. at my house though it was tori, AO and i. we enjoyed the movie sweet 16 which should not be rated PG and had come jones soda.
yesterday i worked for a whoping three hours and then amanda and i made the journey to little falls- "the city of lights". to erin's house. there we watched erin and megHan cook for a few hours and had a lot of good laughs. then we had a very fancy dinner in the dining room and set off to visit moliters haunted acres. we began with a hay ride where people would jump out of little hiding spots and onto the hay ride pacing back and forth staring us down. ther were even TWO guys with chainsaws! they weren't real but they would saw at the benches and you could feel the vibration of the chain. they even had a scene that portrayed the ring! then after the hayride we went into the mine shafte and then like 5 other houses and by the end our arms were sore and our throats! we went back to erins with jsut enough time to watch tristen and isolde a heartbreaking tale that as friends we were able to make fun of constantly.
wow i love MEA! hope everyone else had a great time too!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
wacky wednesday!
so to clarify some things. you may or most likley did not see me running through the halls today. (probably cause i was soo fast!) i did this for a reason seeing as while running it was impossible to be late for anything. i came to school well equipped with tennis shoes and some red bull to keep me going. i was supposed to do something that breaks an unspoken rule (norm), and see what people whould say to me good or bad. in all honesty it was actually kind of fun! weaving through people was at times dificult, but i covered a lot of distance in short times.
other than my own actions i observed some other non-sociology project related "norm violations". my sixth hour is sociology, the room that generally overlooks the exit to the senior lot. i often use the window to watch people play football or wave at us while carlson is talking. today was unilke any others. first of all i was severly distracted by the huge snow storm! not kidding it was swirling around in tornado-like circles. then i guess i should have seen what was coming next. the sixth hour senior guys muscled up enough courage to be stupid together! and without their knowing my entertainment. they all took off their shirts while the snowstorm was at full capacity, and ran around the senior lot. why you ask, because it was wacky wednesday! boy i can't wait to see what's in store for friday the thirteenth!
other than my own actions i observed some other non-sociology project related "norm violations". my sixth hour is sociology, the room that generally overlooks the exit to the senior lot. i often use the window to watch people play football or wave at us while carlson is talking. today was unilke any others. first of all i was severly distracted by the huge snow storm! not kidding it was swirling around in tornado-like circles. then i guess i should have seen what was coming next. the sixth hour senior guys muscled up enough courage to be stupid together! and without their knowing my entertainment. they all took off their shirts while the snowstorm was at full capacity, and ran around the senior lot. why you ask, because it was wacky wednesday! boy i can't wait to see what's in store for friday the thirteenth!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
My cat is better than your cat
this is true, i may even go as far to say that my cat is better than your dog and certainly your fish, rabbit, hamdter, tutrle, ect. My cat can fetch! like no other i will have you know! last night i found Mittens ever elusive "purple ball", yep that would be the one she plays fetch with. once she see's me pick up the ball she makes her questioning meow. translation: are you really gonna throw that or are you just messin with me? then i throw it and she answers: oh yes! you did god bless you! well something like that. seconds later she brings it up the stairs and makes the bragging meow. she can't resist it, and has even been known to jump through the railing below just to land on top of it. she may not be friendly to strangers, but she can fetch.
to add to my new bragging right of "my cat can fetch" i have my newest jelous item. ta da da dA! the SIDEKICK! the little one! OMG! not mine (the jealous part) my dads! eww. i love it though. so far i've added myself as a contact, taken funny pics (the screen is HUGE), played solitare, made a word document, called myself, and i can really see a good future for the two of us. we'll get along well as long as i can find that pointer pen thingy. it's beautiful technology, more beautiful than a big screen, maybe not a theatre, but a hell of a lot better than getting hit in the head with a brick. i guess you could say that im pretty optomistic.
to add to my new bragging right of "my cat can fetch" i have my newest jelous item. ta da da dA! the SIDEKICK! the little one! OMG! not mine (the jealous part) my dads! eww. i love it though. so far i've added myself as a contact, taken funny pics (the screen is HUGE), played solitare, made a word document, called myself, and i can really see a good future for the two of us. we'll get along well as long as i can find that pointer pen thingy. it's beautiful technology, more beautiful than a big screen, maybe not a theatre, but a hell of a lot better than getting hit in the head with a brick. i guess you could say that im pretty optomistic.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
three toilets, two toilets, ONE toilet
so friday i HAD to be at the football game, at least we won. when i got home my mom told me she bought me a little dresser for college.....? i think that ther're finally letting this CLC idea go.
on saturday almost all day felt like sunday for some reason. in the morning my mom and i met valerie and her three kids at kiwanis park to finish my outdoor pics. overall it was an enjoyable experience, with three kids under the age of twelve assisting me in taking my pictures there was never a dull moment. if i had a "fake" smile cameron would come over and "do his thing" aka belch really loudly! i think the first time it scared the crap out of my mom, she toatally didn't see it coming. then julia would help me with my hair and thought of a pose for me to do on the bridge too. i think the kids actually had a good time just being at the park. then we took a few and my house and called it a day, for pic's that is. awile later we headed to the lovely city of elmdale, don't worry you probably have never heard of it. my moms side is from royalton so elmdale is close (they have a community center we've used before). it was my aunt and uncles 25th anniv, and they were well equipped with cozies/huggies/holders for our beverages that had the following printed on them: to have and to hold and to keep your beer cold dennis and janice 25th anniversary. then as we left with our souvineers they guarenteed us that we could take them to any party we wanted, and claim it was just yesterday.
today i was supposed to babysit at saint francis, but only stayed to help out at sunday school for awhile, cause no one stayed later. so we left earlier and heather and i just talked by our cars for awhile about how we both had grad pics the day before. then i had to work at 12:30 with this girl who has worked there for like 2 months and i had never worked with. bad part of work: i got chlorine on my favorite shirt cause this comet bottel was broken and leaked in the carrier, so i cleaned it up and my shirt has pink marks. good part: i had an open check on my screen and we couldn't get rid of it so jess rang up an ice cream then voided it. she forgot to tell the cooks so they made me ice cream..."well you might as well eat it" yessss! after work my other aunt and uncle came over to pick up a toilet. yes a toilet. you would know if you've been to my house. we used to have three toilets in our garage (one for each of us-it was from one of the houses my dad worked on), but one was put in the groomers shed, and the other was for my aunt and uncle. now we are down to one. so much for that idea of planting flowers in them and putting them at the end of the driveway. it's just silly with only one!
on saturday almost all day felt like sunday for some reason. in the morning my mom and i met valerie and her three kids at kiwanis park to finish my outdoor pics. overall it was an enjoyable experience, with three kids under the age of twelve assisting me in taking my pictures there was never a dull moment. if i had a "fake" smile cameron would come over and "do his thing" aka belch really loudly! i think the first time it scared the crap out of my mom, she toatally didn't see it coming. then julia would help me with my hair and thought of a pose for me to do on the bridge too. i think the kids actually had a good time just being at the park. then we took a few and my house and called it a day, for pic's that is. awile later we headed to the lovely city of elmdale, don't worry you probably have never heard of it. my moms side is from royalton so elmdale is close (they have a community center we've used before). it was my aunt and uncles 25th anniv, and they were well equipped with cozies/huggies/holders for our beverages that had the following printed on them: to have and to hold and to keep your beer cold dennis and janice 25th anniversary. then as we left with our souvineers they guarenteed us that we could take them to any party we wanted, and claim it was just yesterday.
today i was supposed to babysit at saint francis, but only stayed to help out at sunday school for awhile, cause no one stayed later. so we left earlier and heather and i just talked by our cars for awhile about how we both had grad pics the day before. then i had to work at 12:30 with this girl who has worked there for like 2 months and i had never worked with. bad part of work: i got chlorine on my favorite shirt cause this comet bottel was broken and leaked in the carrier, so i cleaned it up and my shirt has pink marks. good part: i had an open check on my screen and we couldn't get rid of it so jess rang up an ice cream then voided it. she forgot to tell the cooks so they made me ice cream..."well you might as well eat it" yessss! after work my other aunt and uncle came over to pick up a toilet. yes a toilet. you would know if you've been to my house. we used to have three toilets in our garage (one for each of us-it was from one of the houses my dad worked on), but one was put in the groomers shed, and the other was for my aunt and uncle. now we are down to one. so much for that idea of planting flowers in them and putting them at the end of the driveway. it's just silly with only one!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
speaking of....
so you (you know who you are) raised a good point. with the majority of our bloggers (yeah like the three of you) i really don't know what you all plan to do with your lives. as an attempt at blog bonding share with the blog what your want to be, study, do and/or experience. (PG please) the blogosphere is that place, i promise we will accept you!
so that familiar question of where do i see myslef in 5 years, the one from dawsons creek: well, alive, healthy, happy, with good and meaningful relationships with old and new friends and most importantly the family. by then i should be about done with college and back out in the real world doing something i love. something that i can look forward to and find my own way to help others, to make a difference in someones life, and if im really sucessful more than a few. who knows exactly where this future lies, but i wont want to miss a minute of it.
and now it's your turn.
so that familiar question of where do i see myslef in 5 years, the one from dawsons creek: well, alive, healthy, happy, with good and meaningful relationships with old and new friends and most importantly the family. by then i should be about done with college and back out in the real world doing something i love. something that i can look forward to and find my own way to help others, to make a difference in someones life, and if im really sucessful more than a few. who knows exactly where this future lies, but i wont want to miss a minute of it.
and now it's your turn.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
those two towers standing tall
so saint scholastica went pretty well to say the least. im not quite sure that it's what i want, but i really have nothing to compare it to, so... the person i roomed with was named kim. easy... think again, kim's roomate was named kim. well less memorization i say to myself. then after settling in another girl comes and we all decide to go for a walk/hike. her name is megan. once again easy. then we go to find rose, finally someone with a different name, but unfourtunatly rose was not to be found so who should join us bet her roomate: KIM!
so yeah i went on a hike with megan, kim, kim, kim and me (megan). what a group! i really can easily admit that i did not have the right shoes for hiking, or that i remember the last time i went hiking for that matter. we found the trail and it was pretty nice. once we had to climb up this really steep hill like 75 feet up and we were leaning just in order to keep going up, and not faceplant. after making it up we had to stop for a couple minutes just to rest (uphill climbing in the forest is pretty strenuious). as we continue on the trail we eventually end up walking on paths right in people's back yards! we're like "hey isn't that someones house?" well we were just following the path. then we come to a really cool lookout point and attempt our way back to where we started and we realize that this has gone on way longer than planned, and we head straingt to dinner were i finally see some familiar people:holly and brenden. it was really good that they were glad to see me, and dinner wasn't too bad either.
that night we did what any college student would do on a sunday night, apparently, we watched desperate housewives. sunday night i also had a home made caramel apple from megan (not the same one from the hike) and it was delicious. oh yes and kim also showed me her facebook, even though i prefer myspace (and i think she was jealous), but she had very interesting pics of the night before at this place called "beaners" i like that name.
the next day i woke up around seven and we had breakfast and headed over to tower. my first class was in the science building which was pretty new and i was in an 8:00 class called Human Biology and Heridity. oddly enough i somewhat knew someone in this class, he just looked familiar. turns out he was like my cousins best friend. it was interesting that no one even said anything when i was just sitting in on the class JUST sitting, not taking notes or getting a test back, but that was cool. then i went over to tower for the rest of the day (sciences aren't my thing) i went to behavior management, and actually had a clue as to what was going on. then i ran into danielle marot, who recognized me from BHS, and who was also in my next class: first year comp. that was interesting. they were actually learning about grammer and i had to do this worksheet about where to use the comma, colon and or start a new sentence. groundbreaking really...the next class was my challenge: intermediate spanish. it was acutally taught by a guy! most of the people didn't speak that fluently and we did this worksheet on accents, and then did a dialogue in front of the class about a situation in the doctors office. then i had my last class: mythology....ewwwww i almost fell asleep like three times. glad that was finally over.
overall i think it was more important to see the college experience in general to give me a little insight. who knows at this point though, all i know is i should really start making some money to help, because i know it scares the hell out of my parents thinking about what it's going to cost. it was a good experience, but it will be one of very many this year, and i know this for sure. i really prefer to live in the here and now, and when you compare things in the past to know you probably wouldn't believe how things have changed, although some things don't and that's okay with me too. carpe diem my friends, don't mess around you only have this one oppertunity.
so yeah i went on a hike with megan, kim, kim, kim and me (megan). what a group! i really can easily admit that i did not have the right shoes for hiking, or that i remember the last time i went hiking for that matter. we found the trail and it was pretty nice. once we had to climb up this really steep hill like 75 feet up and we were leaning just in order to keep going up, and not faceplant. after making it up we had to stop for a couple minutes just to rest (uphill climbing in the forest is pretty strenuious). as we continue on the trail we eventually end up walking on paths right in people's back yards! we're like "hey isn't that someones house?" well we were just following the path. then we come to a really cool lookout point and attempt our way back to where we started and we realize that this has gone on way longer than planned, and we head straingt to dinner were i finally see some familiar people:holly and brenden. it was really good that they were glad to see me, and dinner wasn't too bad either.
that night we did what any college student would do on a sunday night, apparently, we watched desperate housewives. sunday night i also had a home made caramel apple from megan (not the same one from the hike) and it was delicious. oh yes and kim also showed me her facebook, even though i prefer myspace (and i think she was jealous), but she had very interesting pics of the night before at this place called "beaners" i like that name.
the next day i woke up around seven and we had breakfast and headed over to tower. my first class was in the science building which was pretty new and i was in an 8:00 class called Human Biology and Heridity. oddly enough i somewhat knew someone in this class, he just looked familiar. turns out he was like my cousins best friend. it was interesting that no one even said anything when i was just sitting in on the class JUST sitting, not taking notes or getting a test back, but that was cool. then i went over to tower for the rest of the day (sciences aren't my thing) i went to behavior management, and actually had a clue as to what was going on. then i ran into danielle marot, who recognized me from BHS, and who was also in my next class: first year comp. that was interesting. they were actually learning about grammer and i had to do this worksheet about where to use the comma, colon and or start a new sentence. groundbreaking really...the next class was my challenge: intermediate spanish. it was acutally taught by a guy! most of the people didn't speak that fluently and we did this worksheet on accents, and then did a dialogue in front of the class about a situation in the doctors office. then i had my last class: mythology....ewwwww i almost fell asleep like three times. glad that was finally over.
overall i think it was more important to see the college experience in general to give me a little insight. who knows at this point though, all i know is i should really start making some money to help, because i know it scares the hell out of my parents thinking about what it's going to cost. it was a good experience, but it will be one of very many this year, and i know this for sure. i really prefer to live in the here and now, and when you compare things in the past to know you probably wouldn't believe how things have changed, although some things don't and that's okay with me too. carpe diem my friends, don't mess around you only have this one oppertunity.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
and the search contunies...
well it's been a while since i made a post and i thought to fill in the blog readers as to what t'm doing this weekend. well toninght i will be doing homework frantically until i have to go to work at 5. then on sunday my parents and i will leave for duluth more specifically Saint Scholastica http://www.css.edu/ just in case you were curious. There's an open house thing on sunday and then an oppertunity to spend the night and attend some classes on monday also. Thus far i visited the campus in july and met with an admissions person, so this august i applied (hey! i had an application waiver), and i have been accepted including a "benidictine scholarship" which is 11,500 each year as long as i'm full time and keep a 3.5 gpa (i think that's it?). it's a pretty nice scholarship seeing as i dodn't sepratly apply for it, but it can make a pretty good dent in the higher tuition price. so i've pretty much got all my bases covered, and this visit is a good predictor to give me a better idea as to wether i could see myself there or not. well wish me luck and i will probably post when i get back.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
"Catalina y yo rompemos los corazones."
I voted tonight and yes i got one of those "I voted" stickers. sweet! nuff said.
mulatto out!
mulatto out!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
is that your elbow????
ahh yes the day that has awaited me since the eve of my birthday. the chance to use my gift certificate at the fine line. Today i got a one hour massage...it was AMAZING!! the bed i was laying on was like a heated water bed and everything was so relaxing. she started with my back and then my legs and feet for like a half hour then i flipped over and she massaged my scalp, ears and even my face. then she did my hands and shoulders and i was so relaxed as she finished. It was great and i highly reccomend it.
then i moved on to my "spa" (this is very different from the salon) pedicure. soaking them seemed routine, but then she added in the maple walnut scrub or something. squishy between the toes after that she had like this seaweed moisturizing stuff which she mentioned was "all natural aveno products" after putting it on she wrapped my feet in these hot towels. later she put on my polish and i recieved some free shoes!! haha they are disposable flip flops!?
Monday, September 04, 2006
the last sweet scoop
today was my last day at the chocolate ox! just a few phrases that i will NEVER have to say again: sugar cone vanilla cone or a dish....single scoop size or kids size...the napkins are right by your shoulder....2.50...out of twenty...we actually only take cash or check...the closest bathroom is at the chamber of commerce just down the street.....yes a single is two scoops......WOW!
i feel better already. but as i ended this summer job i began new things. out with the old and in with the new. the new: i had a (free) tuxedo "frappe" i didn't even drink coffie like beverages at the beginning of summer. i had a sugar free red bull, and i finally went tanning at the carribean tanning salon. (this one most exciting) the beds were a little confusing but they were huge!!! and one had a matress, but they had this one, of only two in MN, that was soo wierd. it was a huge yellow thing that like circled around you as you laid in it and moved, i have a suspicion that it was created by aliens..... so wierd.
turns out bobbie was working (she knew my dad, and me) and we also had to push our index fingers onto this keypad for authorization so no one could steal our points hehe. sh says index finger and my mom takes her middle finger, she says no like your pointer, my mom takes her fourth finger, NO INDEX we had to demonstrate this one. ohh god. "oh i'm sorry i keep embarrassing you megan!" (mom) hmmmmm. we plan to return regardless.
i feel better already. but as i ended this summer job i began new things. out with the old and in with the new. the new: i had a (free) tuxedo "frappe" i didn't even drink coffie like beverages at the beginning of summer. i had a sugar free red bull, and i finally went tanning at the carribean tanning salon. (this one most exciting) the beds were a little confusing but they were huge!!! and one had a matress, but they had this one, of only two in MN, that was soo wierd. it was a huge yellow thing that like circled around you as you laid in it and moved, i have a suspicion that it was created by aliens..... so wierd.
turns out bobbie was working (she knew my dad, and me) and we also had to push our index fingers onto this keypad for authorization so no one could steal our points hehe. sh says index finger and my mom takes her middle finger, she says no like your pointer, my mom takes her fourth finger, NO INDEX we had to demonstrate this one. ohh god. "oh i'm sorry i keep embarrassing you megan!" (mom) hmmmmm. we plan to return regardless.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
i went to the first football game of the year last night. i actually ATTENDED the game like a regular student (something i haven't done since sophomore year), what a game it was.....
i'm not quite sure why but even our players looked so much smaller than tecs players. the game was a pretty brutal defeat (7-28) and sitting in the senoir section we (meaning senoir guys-the ones who stand the whole game-why i have no clue) attempt to cheer on the team incomplete pass after incomplete pass, sometimes to the other team. now understand that i am no sports writer, i sometimes even call it a goal instead of a touchdown, but i know a brutal defeat when i see one. one warrior member mad a rude puch at the ground in the end zone after missing the pass as the warrior side yelled "awwwwwww!"
this is a cry for help if you have and athletic bone in your body give it a shot and tryout for brainerd. it's a wonderful town and we are very accepting people, especially if you good at athletics :) you may not have a locker or a place to park your car, but if you are good enough you may be eldigble for a faculty parking spot, just keep your hopes up.
in other news we have NO MORE CHEERLEADERS in case you weren't aware they are CUT!! ouch....maybe that's why we didn't win last night. just a thought.
keeping you posted on the less important things in life, this has been megan kummet, save the drama for the sophmores BHS, and have a good night.
i'm not quite sure why but even our players looked so much smaller than tecs players. the game was a pretty brutal defeat (7-28) and sitting in the senoir section we (meaning senoir guys-the ones who stand the whole game-why i have no clue) attempt to cheer on the team incomplete pass after incomplete pass, sometimes to the other team. now understand that i am no sports writer, i sometimes even call it a goal instead of a touchdown, but i know a brutal defeat when i see one. one warrior member mad a rude puch at the ground in the end zone after missing the pass as the warrior side yelled "awwwwwww!"
this is a cry for help if you have and athletic bone in your body give it a shot and tryout for brainerd. it's a wonderful town and we are very accepting people, especially if you good at athletics :) you may not have a locker or a place to park your car, but if you are good enough you may be eldigble for a faculty parking spot, just keep your hopes up.
in other news we have NO MORE CHEERLEADERS in case you weren't aware they are CUT!! ouch....maybe that's why we didn't win last night. just a thought.
keeping you posted on the less important things in life, this has been megan kummet, save the drama for the sophmores BHS, and have a good night.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
the day that the 17 year olds look forward to...
i recently (as everyone anticipated) made the trip up to visit the grand casino in mille lacs (sp?).
it's not what i expected, although i expected nothing really....i somewhat wished it was like how i saw them in the movies you know with oceans 11, people getting dressed up to roll big and spin the wheel. i didn't even see anyone win "chips". to the contrary most of the people who were there were pretty old and were wearing the clothes they bought at wallmart a few years back when they still weren't in style, i would also say that about 80% of the people there smoked. and yet what caught my eye were the bright colored machines with catchy names and promises of HUGE jackpots.
i thought i would try the first game, a bowling one, little did i know it had almost nothing to do with bowling i just kept hitting buttons, and apparently my parents were more confused than i was. i moved on to another fishing game after a while and noticed it was similar, aka i still didn't get it. then i moved over just a few seats to a game that was at least more interesting to look at. some kind of trailer park theme i made about two or three bets then i must have gone into a bonus round or something, and it began playing for me as i moved to the third and fourth party's, the machine was so loud that i couldn't hear what the lady a few chairs over was saying to me, so i just nodded at her, as the machine continued to congratulate me. by the end of the thing i had won $61.73 and that was the take home prize of the night. after that we just put some dollars in other ones, and i realized you had to look hard to find any machine different from the last. yet the wierdest part of all was that not a single person ever asked for my id, everyone makes such a big deal about it, but it was like going on the honors system. go figure
it's not what i expected, although i expected nothing really....i somewhat wished it was like how i saw them in the movies you know with oceans 11, people getting dressed up to roll big and spin the wheel. i didn't even see anyone win "chips". to the contrary most of the people who were there were pretty old and were wearing the clothes they bought at wallmart a few years back when they still weren't in style, i would also say that about 80% of the people there smoked. and yet what caught my eye were the bright colored machines with catchy names and promises of HUGE jackpots.
i thought i would try the first game, a bowling one, little did i know it had almost nothing to do with bowling i just kept hitting buttons, and apparently my parents were more confused than i was. i moved on to another fishing game after a while and noticed it was similar, aka i still didn't get it. then i moved over just a few seats to a game that was at least more interesting to look at. some kind of trailer park theme i made about two or three bets then i must have gone into a bonus round or something, and it began playing for me as i moved to the third and fourth party's, the machine was so loud that i couldn't hear what the lady a few chairs over was saying to me, so i just nodded at her, as the machine continued to congratulate me. by the end of the thing i had won $61.73 and that was the take home prize of the night. after that we just put some dollars in other ones, and i realized you had to look hard to find any machine different from the last. yet the wierdest part of all was that not a single person ever asked for my id, everyone makes such a big deal about it, but it was like going on the honors system. go figure
Saturday, August 26, 2006
el mas viejo y el mas joven.....?
well it's four day's until my 18th b-day and im questioning wether i feel any different.
i feel older in this situation: at poncho's im able to start waitress training which is done when your the age of 18 so that you can serve alcohol. this makes me finally feel older. and as wierd as it seems the other night i was just eating my dinner when someone from the bar came in and had a plate full of cake: there was a bachelorette party in the bar: the cake was no ordinary cake, because we often get cake left over from party's or weddings ect. this cake was a little more original....it was shaped like a penis. there's no other way to say it. naturally like adults we were very mature about the whole sitiation, had a good laugh (and lots of inuendo's and jokes), but by my guess if i were 16 i wouldn't be so cool about it. the cake was actually one of the bast we've had!
on the other hand: when i came home from work today (about 3:50pm) i noticed a little car driving around the circle on the other side. i got out of the car and went to get my mom and show her the little car coming around the circle, and now noticed it was playing a high pitched tune.......OMG! it was the littlest blue bunny ice cream truck and it was heading toward me!! i got way more excited than i probably should have, but they didn't even have this when i was little. it was amazing, everything i had imagined and more. the car was no longer than 5 feet and the man inside of it could have been a football player. the ice cream was great and just what i needed, even though it made me feel a more like a little kid. worst part though was that im pretty sure my mom took a picture of me getting my ice cream. sometimes she doesn't know when to quit. oh well. keep your eyes open as well as your ears for this amazing ice cream mobile, cause im pretty sure it made my day! the car is most similar to this one but smaller and says blue bunny on the side. (and a large man with a yellow shirt inside)
i feel older in this situation: at poncho's im able to start waitress training which is done when your the age of 18 so that you can serve alcohol. this makes me finally feel older. and as wierd as it seems the other night i was just eating my dinner when someone from the bar came in and had a plate full of cake: there was a bachelorette party in the bar: the cake was no ordinary cake, because we often get cake left over from party's or weddings ect. this cake was a little more original....it was shaped like a penis. there's no other way to say it. naturally like adults we were very mature about the whole sitiation, had a good laugh (and lots of inuendo's and jokes), but by my guess if i were 16 i wouldn't be so cool about it. the cake was actually one of the bast we've had!
on the other hand: when i came home from work today (about 3:50pm) i noticed a little car driving around the circle on the other side. i got out of the car and went to get my mom and show her the little car coming around the circle, and now noticed it was playing a high pitched tune.......OMG! it was the littlest blue bunny ice cream truck and it was heading toward me!! i got way more excited than i probably should have, but they didn't even have this when i was little. it was amazing, everything i had imagined and more. the car was no longer than 5 feet and the man inside of it could have been a football player. the ice cream was great and just what i needed, even though it made me feel a more like a little kid. worst part though was that im pretty sure my mom took a picture of me getting my ice cream. sometimes she doesn't know when to quit. oh well. keep your eyes open as well as your ears for this amazing ice cream mobile, cause im pretty sure it made my day! the car is most similar to this one but smaller and says blue bunny on the side. (and a large man with a yellow shirt inside)
Saturday, August 19, 2006
The Windy City I've Fallen in Love With
Chicago....i can't really find a word to describe it. It is beautiful, sophisticated, and suprisingly clean. I absolutely love this city. Chicago is known as the city of architecture, and here there are tons and tons of really cool buildings and i had a chance to see most of the top ten buildings in chicago (i saw 9, missing the John Hancock Center which was a little farther north). The Sears tower was right outside of Union Station, where i was dropped off at by the train. That is really big to look at when you are across the street from it. Its huge. I then walked down most of the streets of Chicago taking pictures of the buildings and wierd, old, cultural things like old theaters and operas. In the middle of the divided streets, there is a margin, and instead of just having a cement margain like we have in B*Town, they have these marble planters with lucious plants and flowers. And walking down all of these streets, there wasn't one peice of trash. It was insane. Also, their sidewalks are really wide across. I think that they are like 30-40 feet wide so tons of people can fit down the sidewalk. I then went to the worlds largest bean. Yeah, a bean. And it cost something like a little over $4 million to polish. It was ridiculous. I couldn't believe that so many people flocked to this ridiculous place to see the worlds largest bean. It wasn't even that exciting. Ok, going on the inside of the curve was pretty cool, i'll admit it, and people watching was hilarious. You had a lot of rednecks coming into the city to see the worlds largest bean. I watched some crackpot guy actually lay down at the bottom and just lay there for over 45 minutes. It was wierd, and the polish actually works because you can see your reflection in the bean when you walk up to it, and it was designed to show the Chicago skyline, as you can see in this picture. The bean was in what's called Millenium park, where they have a lot of really neat things, but im only going to tell you about one other thing. They had this place with two brick rectangles that were like 40 feet from eachother. The bricks turned into faces of people that moved. Like, the faces actually blinked and their mouths moved. It was so cool!!! And in between the rectangles, there was water and little things that shot water up. And the brick rectangles would have water leak out of them when they weren't the faces of people. At one point, the rectangles where people, and they moved their mouths into a circular shape and....spit out water. It was awesome. I was completely unprepared for this kind of techonology in the middle of a city park. Then, i went to the Chicago Field Museum, which is huge and i didn't get to go through all of the exhibits, but i did get to see King Tut and his mummified body, walk through and learn about all of the african tribes and their ways of life. I also got to learn about how they mummified people and thought that that was way interesting. We walked through a dinosaur exhibit, but by far, the gem and mineral rooms were my favorite. I saw a 5,980 karot diamond, which let me tell you, it was extremely gorgeous. I wanted to steal it. I also saw a really really cool Mesolite mineral, which i could have stared at for hours. Then, i looked at the clock and almost missed the train. It was bad. I did a five mile sprint across the city of chicago and felt cheated since i didn't get to site see the way back, since i took a different route to get to the field museum. I experience the dryest throat i have ever had in my entire life on the two hour train ride back to Geneva (suburb of Chicago). I think i would have boughten a bottle of water for $200 on the black market i was so thirsty. I would have given my left leg and sold my soul to Lucifer i was seriously that thirsty. But, i got back to Geneva and experience two firsts in my life. I experience my first Jamba Juice, which was good, and then i experience my first Carnie Posada Cuisine, which was very good. It's like this spicy steak in a torilla shell, with cheese, sour cream, guacamole, some wierd salt, bean, corn, pepper, onion, celery mixture. It was very good. I also had a very very enormous Chicago hot dog. Which filled me up, so i could only fit one Carnie Posada in my stomach. I wish i would have skipped the hot dog and had another Carnie Posada. You guys have to try one. MMMMMM. Delicous. Ok. Tomorrow i leave for Pennslyvania, really really early in the morning. I think we are driving like 600 some miles, but i have full faith in MONA to show us the way and lead the blind (us). So, keep it REAL all, and be safe. And please, try not to party to hard without me.
Amen for MONA!!!
Ok. Howdy all. I'm in beautiful Chicago at this very minute staying at some really good friends' house. It is really pretty here and i love the big fancy houses and the expensive cars that everybody drives. They also have really weird town set ups. Like they have this really really old falling down piece of shit barn, right in the middle of this outlet first class mall, expensive nisswa little shop type things, and big buildings surr0unding it. I thought that that was really weird. I will have to say though, that we rented a car to drive to the east coast and back, and with this car, it has come equipped with a GPS system, aka "Mona." Mona is a god sent gift for my family on this road trip. Most of our fights happen because nobody can "read" a map good enough for my father. So, you plug in the address you start at, and the address your trying to get to, and it calculates the quickest route there. It even tells you where to turn, what direction, how far you're going to travel on that road, your next turn, when to get on and off the interstate, and it like talks to you and reminds you things and gives you places to eat and do activities when you approach a town. SO, AMEN FOR MONA!!! I saw jennifer anniston and vince vaughns new establishment and let me tell you, it is in the suburb of Chicago, in a town called Wayne that has a population of 1900. It is gorgeous, and has a white picket fence, a fountain in the front, some statue of lions by the fountain, a circular drive way, horses, and a barn. It is a huge. Oh, and one more thing. I totally saw Mrs. Medin the art teacher, going into Menards ( i believe that was the right store) on our residential tour that went through five parking lots. It was so weird. My sister was looking out the window, and she's like OMG, look kayla, and i look and BOOM! Mrs. Medin. I travel 9 hours out of B*Town, and i still can't get away. It was insane. Ok. That's the update on my trip. I'm taking the one hour train ride into downtown Chicago tomorrow and i'm going to see King Tut, at the museum, and a bunch of other chicago lifestyle type things. So, i'll talk to you guys later! Keep it REAL!!!!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
The Lewis And Clark Expedition
Dear Friends~
I restart and finish my summer "world tour" starting thursday night at 4 am. I have already been to MN and TX and everything in between. And tomorrow i will go through MN, WI, and Illinois, where i will stop first in Chicago at our dear good friends the Kerns. And then from there we will go through every state that is from Kentucky and Virginia on up. Every state on up. We are going to spend 2 days in Boston, i wish that we were staying more days there, and 5 days in NY. We are going to go see the broadway play Wicked in NY. I really don't know what else we are doin anywhere else. I haven't been home to really hear the plan. I'm going to go to the New England Six Flags, which will be tight. I hope that i get to go to a real museum with authentic art from people like Da Vinci, Marc Chagall, Salvador Dali, Paul Klee, Henri Matisse, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, and Vincent Van Gogh. There's a place in NY that i would love to see, and i think that it's called Shakespeare's Garden and inside this place are real flowers and plants that Shakespeare had in his plays, sonnets, and poems. No other flower or plant is there, and i think that that would be really neat. We are going to do all the tourist stuff too. Like we are going to Ground Zero, empire state building, and the statue of liberty. F.A.O Schwartz is a must of course, and i almost wish that i had rented Big and watched the part where he plays the piano a few hundred times just so i could do a duet with my mom in the store for everybody's sick pleasure. That would have been sweet. There is also this really cool ship that is in NY that i would love to tour and a really neat aeronautic museum that has like an IMAX theater that is exactly identicle to the stars, planets, and galaxies that you can see when you look up at the sky at night. We are also going to Washington D.C., which i hope that i get a good look at our amazing president and i chance to speak with him and really let him hear a piece of my mind. That would be perfect. We are driving there, as a family, in a car, with five people, in a car, that's my family, for 20 days. We are going to kill eachother i think. But, who knows, maybe this is exactly what we need. I'm going to have fun either way. Even if it is listening to my 5 star music selection on my ipod or listening to Dane Cook (by the way kate, i got sick of waiting for you to burn me the retaliation cd, so i just went out and bought it). So, i will see you all when i return on my trip, which my arrival date back into town is September 4, i believe. So, you guys, try to keep the blog arrive, that sucks that we couldn't fit it into our busy schedules to hang out before i left, try not to party too hard with out me (i'll be jealous), text me so i can keep my sanity and talk to people outside my family, and if i love it out there too much to where i just stay out there, i love you guys. It's been REAL. Just kidding. I'm sure i will be comin home. Hey maybe next year, us four can take a trip together somewhere. That would probably be a better time. Ok, i really have to start packing since i haven't done that yet. So peace out! Hope to see you guys soon!
I restart and finish my summer "world tour" starting thursday night at 4 am. I have already been to MN and TX and everything in between. And tomorrow i will go through MN, WI, and Illinois, where i will stop first in Chicago at our dear good friends the Kerns. And then from there we will go through every state that is from Kentucky and Virginia on up. Every state on up. We are going to spend 2 days in Boston, i wish that we were staying more days there, and 5 days in NY. We are going to go see the broadway play Wicked in NY. I really don't know what else we are doin anywhere else. I haven't been home to really hear the plan. I'm going to go to the New England Six Flags, which will be tight. I hope that i get to go to a real museum with authentic art from people like Da Vinci, Marc Chagall, Salvador Dali, Paul Klee, Henri Matisse, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, and Vincent Van Gogh. There's a place in NY that i would love to see, and i think that it's called Shakespeare's Garden and inside this place are real flowers and plants that Shakespeare had in his plays, sonnets, and poems. No other flower or plant is there, and i think that that would be really neat. We are going to do all the tourist stuff too. Like we are going to Ground Zero, empire state building, and the statue of liberty. F.A.O Schwartz is a must of course, and i almost wish that i had rented Big and watched the part where he plays the piano a few hundred times just so i could do a duet with my mom in the store for everybody's sick pleasure. That would have been sweet. There is also this really cool ship that is in NY that i would love to tour and a really neat aeronautic museum that has like an IMAX theater that is exactly identicle to the stars, planets, and galaxies that you can see when you look up at the sky at night. We are also going to Washington D.C., which i hope that i get a good look at our amazing president and i chance to speak with him and really let him hear a piece of my mind. That would be perfect. We are driving there, as a family, in a car, with five people, in a car, that's my family, for 20 days. We are going to kill eachother i think. But, who knows, maybe this is exactly what we need. I'm going to have fun either way. Even if it is listening to my 5 star music selection on my ipod or listening to Dane Cook (by the way kate, i got sick of waiting for you to burn me the retaliation cd, so i just went out and bought it). So, i will see you all when i return on my trip, which my arrival date back into town is September 4, i believe. So, you guys, try to keep the blog arrive, that sucks that we couldn't fit it into our busy schedules to hang out before i left, try not to party too hard with out me (i'll be jealous), text me so i can keep my sanity and talk to people outside my family, and if i love it out there too much to where i just stay out there, i love you guys. It's been REAL. Just kidding. I'm sure i will be comin home. Hey maybe next year, us four can take a trip together somewhere. That would probably be a better time. Ok, i really have to start packing since i haven't done that yet. So peace out! Hope to see you guys soon!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Adian kummet is NOT my brother.......debbie kummet is NOT my mother. i think that takes care of most of it.
today at poncho's ashley sliver had a bet with erica hensel that i was (although NOT) adians little sister. she lost of course. we also called valeries photography the other day...megan kummet..."oh is this debbies daughter!" no. in all truth we are pretty distantly related. 3rd cousins really. he is my dad's cousins son! his grandpa and my grandpa were brothers. im not quite sure how they think we're related, maybe it's based on hair color... it sure isn't skills...
if you have ever seen my attempt a sport, i would not have my picture on google like this. even though from time to time i do make similar facial expressions don't try to prove me wrong we are NOT closley related. and tell your friends. :)
today at poncho's ashley sliver had a bet with erica hensel that i was (although NOT) adians little sister. she lost of course. we also called valeries photography the other day...megan kummet..."oh is this debbies daughter!" no. in all truth we are pretty distantly related. 3rd cousins really. he is my dad's cousins son! his grandpa and my grandpa were brothers. im not quite sure how they think we're related, maybe it's based on hair color... it sure isn't skills...
if you have ever seen my attempt a sport, i would not have my picture on google like this. even though from time to time i do make similar facial expressions don't try to prove me wrong we are NOT closley related. and tell your friends. :)
Saturday, August 05, 2006
when frogs attack..........!!!!!
last night something horrible happened. we were at AO's house, and though we didn't watch saw what happened that night was way scarier. while we were chopping wood for the bonfire we all noticed ash's huge fear of frogs (we had to get all the logs, bc there could be frogs on them). we made fun of her then talked about other things. later (10:45 ish) we had a need for coldstone ice cream and headed over about ten minutes before closing. all went well, until we got in the car.......tori was in the front (her buick) and so was ash, and i was in the back.
here is what happened in pictures..................
here is what happened in pictures..................
ashley calm sitting in the car eating her ice cream, when we notice bridge, robbie and taylor outside the car laughing, we stare at each other as to what's so funny then we see it (right in front of her on the windshield) and so does ash
..............................................some staggered breathing..........................................then.................the rest of us were laughing, but ash continued to scream until someone flicked off the frog from the outside of the car. talk about a close call. just an innocent trip for ice cream and we end up causing ash severe psychological trauma. protet yourselves people the frogs are out there!!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
"what's new?"
ahhh yes one of my favorite phrases! well, what IS new....?
wednesday was turtle race day...........what to say. nisswa, the chocolate ox , it was all a blur. i opened at 10 and joe, paige, and savanna, came at 11, but they had to work until close. apparently i'm better at ice cream so i end up working with joe. about 200 kids participate in turtle races plus two parents two grandparents and a couple siblings, all decide..."HEY I WANT ICE CREAM" within the same hour. it was the four of us all day, bc no one else could work (even though bo and blair came in and felt sorry for us). there was also this one couple that spent $5 on ice cream and left me a $5 tip! (i think he thought it was a one) so over all $11 extra isn't bad. then my parents and i went out to eat at kelly's, and after we visited the "spec" house that my dad was working on. took a little tour, and realized this was like MTV cribs. ohh you know nice lake front and vaulted cielings, that would only cost us like 1.3 mill......yeah chunk change (did i mention i made $11!!!). maybe when i become famous for doing nothing 50 years after i die my grandchildren can buy that house... but in the meantime.
today i began with the elks booth, things were a little different than we remember them, but actually better and more familiar. we were makin the $$$, by 1pm we had over $90 in tips! laleen is like the funniest mom i know (jared's mom "he play's percussion!"), just one of those people that you could put in a closet and she would find someone to talk to. oddly enough after the fair amanda j and i both worked at poncho's hostessing NOT waitressing. to add to spending the previous four hours together we ran into many previous band members at poncho's. first brittany stegora who previously checked out the fair (and was not impressed), but could relate to us, then of all band people the folkeringas arrive, we noticed the trend, and as they leave karla and amy esperson arrive! what?! i'll ask amanda tom. who came after them, but if it's paul himself maybe there's some secret conspiracy to check up on us.
well i guess i'll do the same thing all over again tom. maybe throw in a bonfire just to change things up a bit, and don't worry NOT commenting is the latest rage i hear (jk). NO ONE is too "busy" to chek the blog (unless your out of state). there's only so much summer left, don't forget to enjoy it and stay away from the back to school section of the department stores ( it could damage you health it's so overwhelming), although you are allowed to purchase duck tape.
wednesday was turtle race day...........what to say. nisswa, the chocolate ox , it was all a blur. i opened at 10 and joe, paige, and savanna, came at 11, but they had to work until close. apparently i'm better at ice cream so i end up working with joe. about 200 kids participate in turtle races plus two parents two grandparents and a couple siblings, all decide..."HEY I WANT ICE CREAM" within the same hour. it was the four of us all day, bc no one else could work (even though bo and blair came in and felt sorry for us). there was also this one couple that spent $5 on ice cream and left me a $5 tip! (i think he thought it was a one) so over all $11 extra isn't bad. then my parents and i went out to eat at kelly's, and after we visited the "spec" house that my dad was working on. took a little tour, and realized this was like MTV cribs. ohh you know nice lake front and vaulted cielings, that would only cost us like 1.3 mill......yeah chunk change (did i mention i made $11!!!). maybe when i become famous for doing nothing 50 years after i die my grandchildren can buy that house... but in the meantime.
today i began with the elks booth, things were a little different than we remember them, but actually better and more familiar. we were makin the $$$, by 1pm we had over $90 in tips! laleen is like the funniest mom i know (jared's mom "he play's percussion!"), just one of those people that you could put in a closet and she would find someone to talk to. oddly enough after the fair amanda j and i both worked at poncho's hostessing NOT waitressing. to add to spending the previous four hours together we ran into many previous band members at poncho's. first brittany stegora who previously checked out the fair (and was not impressed), but could relate to us, then of all band people the folkeringas arrive, we noticed the trend, and as they leave karla and amy esperson arrive! what?! i'll ask amanda tom. who came after them, but if it's paul himself maybe there's some secret conspiracy to check up on us.
well i guess i'll do the same thing all over again tom. maybe throw in a bonfire just to change things up a bit, and don't worry NOT commenting is the latest rage i hear (jk). NO ONE is too "busy" to chek the blog (unless your out of state). there's only so much summer left, don't forget to enjoy it and stay away from the back to school section of the department stores ( it could damage you health it's so overwhelming), although you are allowed to purchase duck tape.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
certain things that have occured recently that have caused me to wonder and/or do a double take:
there was a pretty big storm last night, and when i got to work lacey and misty had worked really late until the bar closed and misty was really concerned about the weather and stayed up a lot later, cause she was freaking out (the roof of the playhouse blew right off). on the other hand aric and i had no clue that there even was a storm....? apparently im a heavy sleeper. i was told that once during the night our tv speakers turned on in the living room and it was a movie with all these gunshots and fighting.....i didn't even know about it until morning.
while touring winona college i saw a sign to promote joining a fraternity with the following quote: "TLK" " the chuck norris of fraternity's"...hmmmm
what do people with majors in communications do for a living? especially if they suck at communicating?
what "kind" of college does not have a football team?, but does have a third ranking paintball team.
where should i have my grad pictures taken?
ohh yes and this just in: lance bass is GAY! (thank you MTV news!).....what!?
there was a pretty big storm last night, and when i got to work lacey and misty had worked really late until the bar closed and misty was really concerned about the weather and stayed up a lot later, cause she was freaking out (the roof of the playhouse blew right off). on the other hand aric and i had no clue that there even was a storm....? apparently im a heavy sleeper. i was told that once during the night our tv speakers turned on in the living room and it was a movie with all these gunshots and fighting.....i didn't even know about it until morning.
while touring winona college i saw a sign to promote joining a fraternity with the following quote: "TLK" " the chuck norris of fraternity's"...hmmmm
what do people with majors in communications do for a living? especially if they suck at communicating?
what "kind" of college does not have a football team?, but does have a third ranking paintball team.
where should i have my grad pictures taken?
ohh yes and this just in: lance bass is GAY! (thank you MTV news!).....what!?
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Your Wastebasket Is Really Big!!
Dear Kate:
This is a hamper:

Function: A large basket, usually with a cover, that dirty laundry is put into, to transfer to a washer.
This is a wastebasket:

Function: A container with an open top; for discarded paper and other rubbish such as trash.
But, you know, i can see where these two objects, completely different in function and appearence could confuse you. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! That was hilarious kate. It still makes me laugh.
This is a hamper:
Function: A large basket, usually with a cover, that dirty laundry is put into, to transfer to a washer.
This is a wastebasket:
Function: A container with an open top; for discarded paper and other rubbish such as trash.
But, you know, i can see where these two objects, completely different in function and appearence could confuse you. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! That was hilarious kate. It still makes me laugh.
Thursday, July 20, 2006

I didn't want to go to Texas. I was the oldest young adult that was going, only Traci Miller and Megan Augustinack were in the same grade as me, and about 85% of the people who were going where only freshmen. I didn't want to go with those people. And i had made up my mind that i hated them all. What i got, however, was a suprise. I love each and every one of them for who they are, where they came from, and i admire them for the people they are going to be. What else was extraordinary was that we all got along, and we all just partied hard core Christian style, and had a blast together.
I decided to go to Texas to look for God. I have become so angry and frustrated with God, that i can no longer find him, i no longer pray, and i don't want a relationship with God. I know, I know, i'm a bad person because i don't believe in him, blah blah blah blah. But, without god in my life, i feel as if my life is literally, incomplete. I'm missing a part of me that i want and i need, otherwise i'm going to be miserable. So, i went off on my Journey, and I went to Texas. I didn't see God when i was down there, and on the way home, i was dissappointed in my trip. I didn't find what i was looking for. But in order to find something, you need to remember where you lost it or how, or you need a map to find it. So, i didn't see God in Texas, because i wasn't looking properly. Or i don't know how to look. And when i figured this out, it was weird. My heart felt at peace. And now when i look back on my trip, I see him literally, every where. It is such an incredible feeling that i can't even explain it.
OK. You guys prolly didn't care to know that part. But it feels good. Back to the trip. We did a three day mission trip in Austin, where we scraped and painted houses. I learned a lot about myself and how i viewed the world compared to how these people viewed the world, and i feel ashamed of how i viewed the world before. And the owner of the house that we did, gave us a thank you card and she called us "her Minnesotan Angels" and it brought tears to my eyes, about how someone can feel so grateful for something that wasn't even that big of a deal for us. And it left me wishing that we could have done more for her. Finished her porch, fixed the steps and doors in the back, did some landscaping for her. Debrah deserved a mansion and she is such a good person that i feel honored to ever have met her and i believe that she has changed my life more than i changed hers, and that's truly a blessing for me.
Then we went off to San Antonio for the ELCA National Youth Gathering. With 30,000 teenage lutheran youth running around, it was so cool to see everybody doing the same motions, praising the Lord, going crazy for the same reason. It was overwhelming. Hawk Nelson, The Katinas, Newsboys, Superchik, and Agape were my favorite bands that played and i did like a couple of songs that Peter Mayer and Friends did. Captive Free in Austin was good. Some of the speakers were good. I really liked the pastor who spoke the first night, and that super hilarious guy who was on comedy central the second night.
I have so many memories and so many things that happened on this trip, that i possibly can't share all of them in just this one blog and even if i could, who would really take the time to read all of it. I'll just say that it fulfilled something, some part of me that was missing, and i'm so happy that i went. I can't really explain what i mean. But the trip was a blast, except, i wish i could have spent a little more time with Kate. I didn't even get to talk to Kate that much, which bums me out. But, Kate, I hope that you had as much fun as i did.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
seek, achieve, retain
well i've returned from camp RYLA in good spirits, new friendships, and so many new memories. not to mention the pictures that i will have...you never know.
i truly felt privliged to go to camp, and get so wrapped up in something that was so much bigger than myself. i thought it would be best to sum up a recap of the week, and the most important of the memories. here goes:
Sunday: after the three hour car drive to crookston we finally arive in the gym as family d begins chanting "megan-megan-megan-megan", i just met my "mom and dad" for the next week, and Dayna (mom) leads me to my dorm. my roomate isn't there. we all meet for the first time in the auditorium and first impressions are made within the family. icebreakers, the seven habits of highly effective teens, four way test, handshakes, and around nine o'clock my roomate finally arrives! we head to the dorm and get the most sleep we recieve all week. ( oh yeah and at dinner we meet brad as he and michael demonstrate "snaps"-the canadian game of telepethy- it's amazing!)
Monday:we are woken up by the national guard and whistles! ewww.twenty minutes of boot camp training at 7:15 and we slump back to the dorms. we watched the video about the fish market in seattle and it actually made sense. then the random acts of kindness, to tug at the heart strings. we wore our rotary shirts and my sisters and i headed for the local hospital, with a dozen roses for the patients. it was great, and i gave this one to an old man heading to the parking lot and he took pictures with us. we also made a rose dance with the video camera in the elevator.
Tuesday' tubing day! woohoo! start the day with some relay's and heard the story of dick beardsly (famous runner) he got stuck in a tractor, hit by a truck running, had a car accident, fell off a cliff and had a tree stuck in his eye! he was a standing miracle, but he made his stories funny. finally tubing with my favorite family down the red river. something i have never done before! we shared stories the whole way.
Wednesday: start again at 7:15 with an african workout video, convincing me to search for a leopard/zebra full length leo. ropes challenges, where we had fun in the hypothetical situations of being trapped in a forcefield and having to get each other out. to getting each member through interesting horizontal string designs (evil spider web) where i was lifted through tiny holes no bigger than my TV by six other people. and of course follies probably my favorite part. each family A-O does a cheer, poster and a skit. our cheer was to the adams family song, a poster that included all our socks (symbolicly) and our favorite d-words. then the skit! it was great: micheal and lauren were a couple eating dinner when the waitress (jenessa) asked when the baby was due (not pregnant), then at kelcey and my table we gossipped until she brought a salad with TOMATOES! (allergic). then she goes to the guy's checking us out and grant "drops" his fork and slap's her but (not an actual slap rehersed!!!) jenessa's face was priceless, but she wasn't mad.
Thursday' being on activities committtee i begin the scavenger hunt, then we do "BAFA FAFA"(a cultural expirement) something you must experience to understand. Lunch with crookston rotary, followed by the most boaring speech i have ever heard, then info about UMC where i definitly will not be attending. things ran so late we only had a few minutes to watch the video on etiquitte( and make fun of it) then had to rush to the dorms to get dressed and i didn't even bring shoes! (borrowed from lauren) it was time for fine dining. there were five courses, and we had fun the whole time regardless if they were trying to teach us. dinner even included a violin accompaniement playing yankee doodle dandy, which inspired jenessa to tell us hellen keller jokes. they were sooo bad but sooo funny. one of my favorites: how do you punish hellen keller? leave the plunger in the toilet..........or make her read a basketball. LOL! after dinner we took lots oof pictures and went to the camp talent show. including things from bananna eating, violins, piano's, trumpets, jokes, singing, 2 great humor speeches (the state champs), and "purple donuts" performed by chip ( the camp dance champ), which we think was originally dane cook! oh yes and the defining moment of camp RYLA: paul aka flex-0 comes out to do his routine and there's a hamster dance from google in the back (?) then he folds himself forward and someone has to help him up, she does and.........SMACK he falls straight back on the floor!!OMG! michael says to me " we so called it" it's okay bc he was fine but right after he fell they played a video of cats doing funny things like you see on AFV, and everyone's attention turns to the cats. that night we replayed the moment a million times: paul..... smack 1 2 3 "oh look! CATS! haha!
Friday: marshall olson speaks about loosing his son and concidence or god talking to him. another speech on anything is possible and then we worked on our final speeches. well actually lauren michael and i hung out in the guys dorms till dinner, but it was fun. after dinner there was more free time and then we finally gave our speeches and ended the night with the dance! for the most part it was pretty fun and the only time i will go to a dance with my new friends who i only knew a couple day's and actually don't attend BHS.
then it was the last day and we all promise to stay in touch, as i relflect on everything i learned.
i've never laughed so hard in my life and the people are amazing. i did meet some canadians and they are quite interesting, but we learned to love them and their ketchup chips and candy. there is so much to tell and so many pictures to send and develop. family "D" represent and Lead the way Rylarians!
Megan Kummet
i truly felt privliged to go to camp, and get so wrapped up in something that was so much bigger than myself. i thought it would be best to sum up a recap of the week, and the most important of the memories. here goes:
Sunday: after the three hour car drive to crookston we finally arive in the gym as family d begins chanting "megan-megan-megan-megan", i just met my "mom and dad" for the next week, and Dayna (mom) leads me to my dorm. my roomate isn't there. we all meet for the first time in the auditorium and first impressions are made within the family. icebreakers, the seven habits of highly effective teens, four way test, handshakes, and around nine o'clock my roomate finally arrives! we head to the dorm and get the most sleep we recieve all week. ( oh yeah and at dinner we meet brad as he and michael demonstrate "snaps"-the canadian game of telepethy- it's amazing!)
Monday:we are woken up by the national guard and whistles! ewww.twenty minutes of boot camp training at 7:15 and we slump back to the dorms. we watched the video about the fish market in seattle and it actually made sense. then the random acts of kindness, to tug at the heart strings. we wore our rotary shirts and my sisters and i headed for the local hospital, with a dozen roses for the patients. it was great, and i gave this one to an old man heading to the parking lot and he took pictures with us. we also made a rose dance with the video camera in the elevator.
Tuesday' tubing day! woohoo! start the day with some relay's and heard the story of dick beardsly (famous runner) he got stuck in a tractor, hit by a truck running, had a car accident, fell off a cliff and had a tree stuck in his eye! he was a standing miracle, but he made his stories funny. finally tubing with my favorite family down the red river. something i have never done before! we shared stories the whole way.
Wednesday: start again at 7:15 with an african workout video, convincing me to search for a leopard/zebra full length leo. ropes challenges, where we had fun in the hypothetical situations of being trapped in a forcefield and having to get each other out. to getting each member through interesting horizontal string designs (evil spider web) where i was lifted through tiny holes no bigger than my TV by six other people. and of course follies probably my favorite part. each family A-O does a cheer, poster and a skit. our cheer was to the adams family song, a poster that included all our socks (symbolicly) and our favorite d-words. then the skit! it was great: micheal and lauren were a couple eating dinner when the waitress (jenessa) asked when the baby was due (not pregnant), then at kelcey and my table we gossipped until she brought a salad with TOMATOES! (allergic). then she goes to the guy's checking us out and grant "drops" his fork and slap's her but (not an actual slap rehersed!!!) jenessa's face was priceless, but she wasn't mad.
Thursday' being on activities committtee i begin the scavenger hunt, then we do "BAFA FAFA"(a cultural expirement) something you must experience to understand. Lunch with crookston rotary, followed by the most boaring speech i have ever heard, then info about UMC where i definitly will not be attending. things ran so late we only had a few minutes to watch the video on etiquitte( and make fun of it) then had to rush to the dorms to get dressed and i didn't even bring shoes! (borrowed from lauren) it was time for fine dining. there were five courses, and we had fun the whole time regardless if they were trying to teach us. dinner even included a violin accompaniement playing yankee doodle dandy, which inspired jenessa to tell us hellen keller jokes. they were sooo bad but sooo funny. one of my favorites: how do you punish hellen keller? leave the plunger in the toilet..........or make her read a basketball. LOL! after dinner we took lots oof pictures and went to the camp talent show. including things from bananna eating, violins, piano's, trumpets, jokes, singing, 2 great humor speeches (the state champs), and "purple donuts" performed by chip ( the camp dance champ), which we think was originally dane cook! oh yes and the defining moment of camp RYLA: paul aka flex-0 comes out to do his routine and there's a hamster dance from google in the back (?) then he folds himself forward and someone has to help him up, she does and.........SMACK he falls straight back on the floor!!OMG! michael says to me " we so called it" it's okay bc he was fine but right after he fell they played a video of cats doing funny things like you see on AFV, and everyone's attention turns to the cats. that night we replayed the moment a million times: paul..... smack 1 2 3 "oh look! CATS! haha!
Friday: marshall olson speaks about loosing his son and concidence or god talking to him. another speech on anything is possible and then we worked on our final speeches. well actually lauren michael and i hung out in the guys dorms till dinner, but it was fun. after dinner there was more free time and then we finally gave our speeches and ended the night with the dance! for the most part it was pretty fun and the only time i will go to a dance with my new friends who i only knew a couple day's and actually don't attend BHS.
then it was the last day and we all promise to stay in touch, as i relflect on everything i learned.
i've never laughed so hard in my life and the people are amazing. i did meet some canadians and they are quite interesting, but we learned to love them and their ketchup chips and candy. there is so much to tell and so many pictures to send and develop. family "D" represent and Lead the way Rylarians!
Megan Kummet
Saturday, July 15, 2006
CPR time!!!
i still can't believe that i left for a week and the blog has completly died!!! it's pathetic! oh well...the week was awesome and i will revive the blog later with posts about camp.
in the last two days i slept about a total of ten hours, but with less time sleeping there was more memories being made. lol!
thanks for keepin the dream alive!
in the last two days i slept about a total of ten hours, but with less time sleeping there was more memories being made. lol!
thanks for keepin the dream alive!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
letters from a future "rylarian"
well the fourth was a great day off and i worked the last four days straight with two doubles, but it makes up for the entire week i will miss. tomorrow i am off to crookston at the university of minnesota campus from saturday to saturday (then i work again sun-tues...ewww). amanda adair, katherine wheeler, shaylea jay and i will be attending RYLA (rotary youth leadership award) camp. i really have no idea what to expect. i only know the seven days were based on the book "seven habits of highly effective teens". i also know that we are staying in the campus dorms. i hope that my few church retreats have prepared me well for the akward moments to come, and maybe i'll learn a few things. if nothing else it's really my only week of vacation, and i might even meet some canadians! ahha
like i said i don't really know much about this, but i'll have something to post when i get back for sure. in the meantime i hope the blog can survive! and try to stop people from asking where i am,..........(everyone's like "kummet lets hang out next week!") although i feel bad for joe because he and i are on bathroom duty at the ox (1st-14th) and i won't bee back until after. :(
don't do anything i wouldn't do! and "BE PROACTIVE!" (habit one)
in case your curious http://www.campryla.org/index.html
like i said i don't really know much about this, but i'll have something to post when i get back for sure. in the meantime i hope the blog can survive! and try to stop people from asking where i am,..........(everyone's like "kummet lets hang out next week!") although i feel bad for joe because he and i are on bathroom duty at the ox (1st-14th) and i won't bee back until after. :(
don't do anything i wouldn't do! and "BE PROACTIVE!" (habit one)
in case your curious http://www.campryla.org/index.html
Monday, July 03, 2006
when tourism attacks!!!
well i guess it's safe to say that summer is in full swing people. the tourists are here and i suggest that you take notice of where the car ahead of you was purchased, because let's face it they don't know where they're going. but don't get me wrong i love them, i guess you could say they are what makes brainerd go 'round.
today i worked at the chocolate ox. WHOA! WHAT? and they're still coming were some popular phrases. i have never seen so much ice cream go so fast in my entire life. the numbers might scare you. the ice cream takes up roughly 8 feet of space with a width of 1 and 1/2 feet, and the two moveable registers. somehow we managed to keep up to seven people moving around in this area getting and paying for ice cream. a little bit of cramped quarters, but the tips made up for it. i started at 10 and had a break at 4 ish then left like a half hour later. this is actually parade day in nisswa so they close the store at 7 anyway then reopen after. total for tips: $12.56. not bad for 6 hours of work! keep up the hospitality people!
today i worked at the chocolate ox. WHOA! WHAT? and they're still coming were some popular phrases. i have never seen so much ice cream go so fast in my entire life. the numbers might scare you. the ice cream takes up roughly 8 feet of space with a width of 1 and 1/2 feet, and the two moveable registers. somehow we managed to keep up to seven people moving around in this area getting and paying for ice cream. a little bit of cramped quarters, but the tips made up for it. i started at 10 and had a break at 4 ish then left like a half hour later. this is actually parade day in nisswa so they close the store at 7 anyway then reopen after. total for tips: $12.56. not bad for 6 hours of work! keep up the hospitality people!
Friday, June 30, 2006
TRI....athalon.......NO TRI-COLLEGE!!!
time to share the trip memories, mostly good ones i must say. the family had two day's off (wed. and thurs.) so early wed. morning we made our way down to moorhead, a road we hadn't traveled in quite a while.
our first stop was concordia college home of the c
(that is one mean lookin cob of corn!) we toured the campus with amber (a senior), talked with trisha an admissions coulselor and had a free lunch outside.
Next we headed to the university only a few minutes away. MSUM
the home of the dragons. once again we met with someone in admissions and took the campus tour. after the long day we decided to head to the hotel. (holiday inn of course) the hotel was pretty sweet. i used the buisness center to check my myspace and the blog and to print directions. they also had free lemonade. this was FAR better than the last time we stayed in a holiday inn on our way to mexico (long story).
after getting tired of talking about the colleges we ventured our way to a resturant called "doolittles"
which was recommended to us by trisha from concordia. it was awesome! when we were sat she used a touch screen computer to seat us and who would have know that our waiter, dennis, was from north dakota! our next stop! so my parents bothered him with questions about tuition and "party schools", but he humored them. other than the service the food was great and on our way out my mom and i used the bathroom where we actually walked by the kitchen and the roticery chickens which were acutally turning over a wood fireplace in a turner the size of a large window! Next we headed to the mall, but i didn't do that much damage. (only a few things)
the next day we started off for NDSU, but stopped at arby's for BREAKFAST! i know what your thinking, but they actually do serve breakfast in other places. sadly we were the only ones there for the entire time we ate and ordered, but the food really wasn't that bad. then back on the
road we made it to NDSU. they started us out on the tour like always, and the campus was much more spread out (12,000 ppl during school), but afterwards they had us meet with an admissions person and even someone in the psychology department, who showed us some really interesting rooms where the professors actually did their studies, or research, and explained some of them to us.
then as our last stop we were off to UND. we arrived almost an hour early to the tour (1:00), but holly our tour guide was ready to get moving (!?) the dorm accomodations were much nicer there, but the campus was still very spread out. many people would have to take the UND bus to get to class on the other side of campus from their residence halls. she ended the tour in the food court, (we hadn't had lunch) but we were in a hurry to find out how to get back to MN. so we got lost on the way back to the car, then hit the road. we stopped at a gas station and hadn't eaten lunch so the attendant recommended a place down the street called red peppers. sure enough red peppers was hidden ina residential area, but had somewhat of a line at 3:00. they had mexican burgers, tortillas, burritos, tacos, tostadas, and grinders. the resturant was no bigger than my kitchen, but the food was good and also cheap. we were still in east grand forks (ND!) at 3:00 and after road construction finally made it home at about 6:35. just in time to leave for band practice (3 clarinets!!!)
in other news at band prac i recieved a practice book that is almost 300 pages long!! what fun for me! also if anyone seriously wants any fudge let me know! my parents barely even like chocolate and i have like a third of a pound of chocolate rasberry to eat. (also penut butter and chocolate walnut!)
our first stop was concordia college home of the c
(that is one mean lookin cob of corn!) we toured the campus with amber (a senior), talked with trisha an admissions coulselor and had a free lunch outside.
Next we headed to the university only a few minutes away. MSUM
after getting tired of talking about the colleges we ventured our way to a resturant called "doolittles"
the next day we started off for NDSU, but stopped at arby's for BREAKFAST! i know what your thinking, but they actually do serve breakfast in other places. sadly we were the only ones there for the entire time we ate and ordered, but the food really wasn't that bad. then back on the
then as our last stop we were off to UND. we arrived almost an hour early to the tour (1:00), but holly our tour guide was ready to get moving (!?) the dorm accomodations were much nicer there, but the campus was still very spread out. many people would have to take the UND bus to get to class on the other side of campus from their residence halls. she ended the tour in the food court, (we hadn't had lunch) but we were in a hurry to find out how to get back to MN. so we got lost on the way back to the car, then hit the road. we stopped at a gas station and hadn't eaten lunch so the attendant recommended a place down the street called red peppers. sure enough red peppers was hidden ina residential area, but had somewhat of a line at 3:00. they had mexican burgers, tortillas, burritos, tacos, tostadas, and grinders. the resturant was no bigger than my kitchen, but the food was good and also cheap. we were still in east grand forks (ND!) at 3:00 and after road construction finally made it home at about 6:35. just in time to leave for band practice (3 clarinets!!!)
in other news at band prac i recieved a practice book that is almost 300 pages long!! what fun for me! also if anyone seriously wants any fudge let me know! my parents barely even like chocolate and i have like a third of a pound of chocolate rasberry to eat. (also penut butter and chocolate walnut!)
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
why you ask...?
Why you ask is my job(s) better?
well today i worked at the chocolate ox and upon arriving while wearing my free cute t-shirt i found a cute little bag with my name on it. "fudge scraps to: megan YUM! YUM!". sweeeet! the benifits compare to no other job. ex: before i was even hired ( i didn't apply) when i first met lorise (owner) i came home with over 30 pieces of taffy and a handful of smoothie jelly bellies. my first day the store wasn't open but paige and i filled candy jars and could take home a bag of whatever we liked, after learning what Rob called ice cream 101. i also love the benifit of getting to have a free scoop of any kind of ice cream after work. what could be better. i'm talking 30 + flavors!
so for the last two days i spent 15 hours scooping ice cream (!). but i feel i have gotten stronger, unfourtunatly i am only referring to my right hand. we also have a ton of fudge and do not sell the "butt" of the fudge which is mostly what i recieved. i have chocolate rasberry, chololate walnut and penut butter if your interested, probably over a pound all together.
funny story about the fudge: erin lothert ( a floor manager) worked fathers day and it was so busy that lorise dropped a lot of fudge on the floor. erin was soo happy as she boxed up the fudge for her last minute fathers day gift for her dad, who probably thought she purchased it. floor fudge....there is no ten second rule at the chocolate ox!
well today i worked at the chocolate ox and upon arriving while wearing my free cute t-shirt i found a cute little bag with my name on it. "fudge scraps to: megan YUM! YUM!". sweeeet! the benifits compare to no other job. ex: before i was even hired ( i didn't apply) when i first met lorise (owner) i came home with over 30 pieces of taffy and a handful of smoothie jelly bellies. my first day the store wasn't open but paige and i filled candy jars and could take home a bag of whatever we liked, after learning what Rob called ice cream 101. i also love the benifit of getting to have a free scoop of any kind of ice cream after work. what could be better. i'm talking 30 + flavors!
so for the last two days i spent 15 hours scooping ice cream (!). but i feel i have gotten stronger, unfourtunatly i am only referring to my right hand. we also have a ton of fudge and do not sell the "butt" of the fudge which is mostly what i recieved. i have chocolate rasberry, chololate walnut and penut butter if your interested, probably over a pound all together.
funny story about the fudge: erin lothert ( a floor manager) worked fathers day and it was so busy that lorise dropped a lot of fudge on the floor. erin was soo happy as she boxed up the fudge for her last minute fathers day gift for her dad, who probably thought she purchased it. floor fudge....there is no ten second rule at the chocolate ox!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Sometimes Information Is Helpful, Sometimes it's Not Helpful, And then a whole different category, TOO MUCH INFO!!!!
OK. Wow. I work at Minnesota Hockey Camp. What an experience already and i've only been working for two and a half weeks. I am now an expert on ice cream cones, how to make four pizzas, mozzerella stix, an order of mini corn dogs, two orders of cheese curds, and three orders of chicken fingers, all under ten minutes, while answering the telephone, helping kids check out the latest christian hockey equipment, minnesota hockey camp apparel, controlling the TV, and debating the latest NHL draft, and whether or not that it was rigged where Carl Sneep was drafted in the second round second pick (32 overall), and Chris Peluso who is also from Brainerd and drafted in a much later round and somewhere in the two hundreds overall. I say Carl is way better along with everybody else in the world, but Conrad Kragness who's better friends with Chris, says Chris is. Apparently i'm right along with everybody else, including the NHL teams, their scouts, coaches, and general managers.
I have also learned who's a better rapper, how much kids can lose gambling in a week of hockey camp, how to run the fryer, the ice cream machine, the slushie machine, the hot dog machine, the nacho machine, how to change fountain soda, the nacho cheese, and the soft serve ice cream. I now can make a mean sprite float, along with root beer floats, coke floats, cherry coke floats, dr. pepper floats, and grape floats.
I have also been dissapointed when i learned exactly how much my pay check really is, especially working as much as i do, and when you take out social security, which i do not get back when i file taxes, is a measly $115, and when i do the math, i make $2.40 per hour. Fricken A. If i would have known that i get paid this much, i'm not so sure i would have taken the job, even though i do use a lot of ice time and i love working up there.
And now the TMI. I have also learned what goes on in the camp, when you have high school girls and high school guys going to camp at the same time. And if the people who are our bosses find out what happened in a specific cabin at three in the morning when the counselor was sleeping, my very good friend would lose her job. I have also learned how fast these certain activities can circulate the camp. For example, Lauren and Vitta did some things together at three in the morning Friday, and by eight thirty in the morning on Saturday, everybody knew. And as teenage and early twenties counselors and staff, we have had long discussions about this, especially the extremely horny guy counselors. I have also learned that Chris, from Boston, has betted against Kendall from St. Cloud, that whichever one gets COW (counselor of the week), the other person has to wear a skirt and work out in it the whole day.
That's all i got for you. This is my life until August 18, where i leave for three weeks and return to Brainerd the day before school starts. But I hope to see you all soon. Keep it REAL!!!
I have also learned who's a better rapper, how much kids can lose gambling in a week of hockey camp, how to run the fryer, the ice cream machine, the slushie machine, the hot dog machine, the nacho machine, how to change fountain soda, the nacho cheese, and the soft serve ice cream. I now can make a mean sprite float, along with root beer floats, coke floats, cherry coke floats, dr. pepper floats, and grape floats.
I have also been dissapointed when i learned exactly how much my pay check really is, especially working as much as i do, and when you take out social security, which i do not get back when i file taxes, is a measly $115, and when i do the math, i make $2.40 per hour. Fricken A. If i would have known that i get paid this much, i'm not so sure i would have taken the job, even though i do use a lot of ice time and i love working up there.
And now the TMI. I have also learned what goes on in the camp, when you have high school girls and high school guys going to camp at the same time. And if the people who are our bosses find out what happened in a specific cabin at three in the morning when the counselor was sleeping, my very good friend would lose her job. I have also learned how fast these certain activities can circulate the camp. For example, Lauren and Vitta did some things together at three in the morning Friday, and by eight thirty in the morning on Saturday, everybody knew. And as teenage and early twenties counselors and staff, we have had long discussions about this, especially the extremely horny guy counselors. I have also learned that Chris, from Boston, has betted against Kendall from St. Cloud, that whichever one gets COW (counselor of the week), the other person has to wear a skirt and work out in it the whole day.
That's all i got for you. This is my life until August 18, where i leave for three weeks and return to Brainerd the day before school starts. But I hope to see you all soon. Keep it REAL!!!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
the last slide
today was my dad's "last day" of work at the holiday inn express. he began working there a little over a year ago and left for many reasons. today was interesting bc they threw him a little pizza party in the break room and got a cake with bob the builder on it ( his name is bob) previously worked for NOR-SON for 21 years! that's a long time and he left on good terms but is not sure that he's going back. he can also go to work with an old friend who used to work at nor-son (steve northway), but he hasn't even decided yet! he's going to finish working on the basement for the dentist that took out my wisdom teeth last week and then go from there i guess.
anyway tonight was a fun night. this was our last oppertunity to get into the waterpark for free or discounted prices, (kate i called: you were working...sad) and some other employee friends were coming too. it was a little sad that i had worked there for three months last summer and reconized two people that came back (other than the obvious), nonetheless they accomplished what they needed when they flipped him over in the tube. plus it's alway's priceless when you can hear my mom coming down the slide and it surprises her every time.
anyway tonight was a fun night. this was our last oppertunity to get into the waterpark for free or discounted prices, (kate i called: you were working...sad) and some other employee friends were coming too. it was a little sad that i had worked there for three months last summer and reconized two people that came back (other than the obvious), nonetheless they accomplished what they needed when they flipped him over in the tube. plus it's alway's priceless when you can hear my mom coming down the slide and it surprises her every time.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
the evil plan.....(whoa long post!?)
well it's been almost a week since i last posted. nothing too exciting since then...um i got my wisdom teeth out wed. and worked fri., sat, sun at ponchos and then mon and tues at the ox, which was good cause i made some extra cash in tips (about nine dollars) over the two shifts, and free ice cream come in handy when it's one of the few things you can eat! oh yeah and band prac. on sunday...i was the only clarinet..sad i know.
why i formulated the evil plan: as you know i had every intention of getting aqn ipod and i wanted to get one before i had my wisdom teeth out so, last minute i went to best buy with leeann on tuesday and came out swearing. i have an iriver that i got for my birthday like ten months ago and have exchange it like three or four times (for other irivers) first time (january-ish) i turned it on and everything was written in chinese and froze the screen (ummm okay..?) they gave me another one with a deffective usb cord so i couldn't get any music on it, they gave me another one, after a week it wouldn't turn on, this time we asked if it didn't work with this one if i could get store credit for another one she talked to the manager and said yes.
getting shotdown= andgry megan: first the fat lady told me i needed the geek squad to look at it to prove that it was DEFFECTIVE. whatever, every time it sits for two days charging i have to reset it with my earring! so we shop around the store until we're bored (10 min.) then much later when the geek squad member comes back he " found nothing wrong with it and upgraded it from a version 1.5 to a version 2.5"????????? what the hell? " do i look like i know what that means?" after while walking out to the parking lot i considered using my key to scratch obscenities with my car key into the geek squad car, but i wasn't sure that he actually drove it and i had to get to ponchos for my last meal. anyway i get home after going to a basketball game and taking leeann home i turn on my iriver and all my music is gone!!!! i have nothing! version 2.7 my ass! i have nothing to listen to buddy and what the hell is version 2.7? i would check the website but there are no irivers! why? b/c they suck and even in the store they sell the opened ones aka MY USED irivers! SOOO the plan is to let it charge for a week and hope it doesn't turn on thus proving it to be deffective and of course bring my parents ("they will take advantage of me again") but if we try again and are shot down i might have to hire someone to steal the geek squad car and run over my iriver in the parking lot . hahaha
why i formulated the evil plan: as you know i had every intention of getting aqn ipod and i wanted to get one before i had my wisdom teeth out so, last minute i went to best buy with leeann on tuesday and came out swearing. i have an iriver that i got for my birthday like ten months ago and have exchange it like three or four times (for other irivers) first time (january-ish) i turned it on and everything was written in chinese and froze the screen (ummm okay..?) they gave me another one with a deffective usb cord so i couldn't get any music on it, they gave me another one, after a week it wouldn't turn on, this time we asked if it didn't work with this one if i could get store credit for another one she talked to the manager and said yes.
getting shotdown= andgry megan: first the fat lady told me i needed the geek squad to look at it to prove that it was DEFFECTIVE. whatever, every time it sits for two days charging i have to reset it with my earring! so we shop around the store until we're bored (10 min.) then much later when the geek squad member comes back he " found nothing wrong with it and upgraded it from a version 1.5 to a version 2.5"????????? what the hell? " do i look like i know what that means?" after while walking out to the parking lot i considered using my key to scratch obscenities with my car key into the geek squad car, but i wasn't sure that he actually drove it and i had to get to ponchos for my last meal. anyway i get home after going to a basketball game and taking leeann home i turn on my iriver and all my music is gone!!!! i have nothing! version 2.7 my ass! i have nothing to listen to buddy and what the hell is version 2.7? i would check the website but there are no irivers! why? b/c they suck and even in the store they sell the opened ones aka MY USED irivers! SOOO the plan is to let it charge for a week and hope it doesn't turn on thus proving it to be deffective and of course bring my parents ("they will take advantage of me again") but if we try again and are shot down i might have to hire someone to steal the geek squad car and run over my iriver in the parking lot . hahaha
Thursday, June 15, 2006
...the experience...
well it's over and done with although not entirely. on tuesday i had my last meal and got about eight hours of sleep. i went into the OMSA and they got me set up with the blood pressure cuff, finger pincher (?), and some other thing they stuck on my throat. doctor comes in: "oh don't you look excited!" i hate him at this moment. a little chit chat with my parents and then we're ready to go. this is at 8:00am so i'm not exactly wide awake to begin with, but the assistant set's me up with the laughing gas. keep in mind i'm a first timer to the gas. whoa! they asked how old i was i said "seventeeeen" and personally i thought i souned like a man! so it made me laugh, then they asked where i work and after i told them i kept laughing at the sound of my voice so obviously i was smiling. the assistant was like "ohh look doctor now she's smiling!" i attempted to frown to disprove her point, but they had just injected me with the needle and i was out!
that's all i know..next time i'm laying on a bed in this different room and i need to sit up awake before i can leave. the assistant say's i look pretty pale, and i'm fadin away cause i'm soo tired. she changed the gauze in my mouth which i really didn't care to see and my mom is sitting there looking prety nervous, later i hear the assistant say "i'm more worried about you dear you look like you could faint" (to my mother). eventually she gets me up and into a wheelchair and into the car with an icepack. i'm in the car for less than a minute and my mouth is watering...not good. as if life can't get better i threw up a little in the car, but don't worry about the car i got it on myself. my mom drove around the back and we headed back in, changed the gauze again (ewwww) and headed back to the parking lot.
i got home and crashed! i took like 3 different drugs and slept from10 am until about 9:30pm and moved to my mom's bedroom b/c i had to take more meds at all these wierd times, then i continued sleeping until like 10:30 this morning.
so, yes i'm glad i went under, i look like jay leno's daughter if i had a longer chin, i have my liquid vicadin, and am still taking crushed ibprofen in sprite, and the infection stuff, and i haven't been spitting, but these stiches feel really wierd! Thanks for all the advice and support, the little things help. i'm just glad it's over and done with!
that's all i know..next time i'm laying on a bed in this different room and i need to sit up awake before i can leave. the assistant say's i look pretty pale, and i'm fadin away cause i'm soo tired. she changed the gauze in my mouth which i really didn't care to see and my mom is sitting there looking prety nervous, later i hear the assistant say "i'm more worried about you dear you look like you could faint" (to my mother). eventually she gets me up and into a wheelchair and into the car with an icepack. i'm in the car for less than a minute and my mouth is watering...not good. as if life can't get better i threw up a little in the car, but don't worry about the car i got it on myself. my mom drove around the back and we headed back in, changed the gauze again (ewwww) and headed back to the parking lot.
i got home and crashed! i took like 3 different drugs and slept from10 am until about 9:30pm and moved to my mom's bedroom b/c i had to take more meds at all these wierd times, then i continued sleeping until like 10:30 this morning.
so, yes i'm glad i went under, i look like jay leno's daughter if i had a longer chin, i have my liquid vicadin, and am still taking crushed ibprofen in sprite, and the infection stuff, and i haven't been spitting, but these stiches feel really wierd! Thanks for all the advice and support, the little things help. i'm just glad it's over and done with!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Querida blogosphere,
yesterday was pretty awesome...one part in particular. first: i worked 11-5 at the ox and was visited by some biker friends (ash, leeann and tori), then after work we met at ashley's and then went bowling. that was sooo much fun (we were like the only ones there) and then had a pit stop at taco bell, but the drama followed as leeann stepped out of the car and ashley attempted to drive away leaving LA in the taco bell parking lot with the door of the buick swung open. LOL! then we stopped by tommy's( ash's bro) baseball game, then went to rent a movie (wedding crashers) and watched it at my house. the one part in particular: we were teasing LA about her phone call dates and how she had to think of these excuses (ie: grandmas b-day) when ashley completly flipped over the recliner, and was lying on the top of it curled up into a ball b/c she was laughing so hard! LA colapsed in a corner and was making the loudest laughing noises i have ever heard her make. we laughed for at least 5 minutes so hard that we almost wet our pants! we will never forget that moment!
in other news tonight i will enjoy my "last meal". tomarrow i'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, and my mom just left me a message that they wanted to move me up to 8:00 for surgery. yay! (sarcasim)my choice for last meal: the rosas ie: a meal at poncho's that under normal circumstance i couldn't finish, but i can't eat or drink for 8 hours before and probably won't want to eat 8 hours after either. don't worry though i should have enough puzzles, pudding, jello, and popsicles to last me until friday when i actually have to work! only 3 days later...i guess we'll see and wish me luck.
Carino, kummet
yesterday was pretty awesome...one part in particular. first: i worked 11-5 at the ox and was visited by some biker friends (ash, leeann and tori), then after work we met at ashley's and then went bowling. that was sooo much fun (we were like the only ones there) and then had a pit stop at taco bell, but the drama followed as leeann stepped out of the car and ashley attempted to drive away leaving LA in the taco bell parking lot with the door of the buick swung open. LOL! then we stopped by tommy's( ash's bro) baseball game, then went to rent a movie (wedding crashers) and watched it at my house. the one part in particular: we were teasing LA about her phone call dates and how she had to think of these excuses (ie: grandmas b-day) when ashley completly flipped over the recliner, and was lying on the top of it curled up into a ball b/c she was laughing so hard! LA colapsed in a corner and was making the loudest laughing noises i have ever heard her make. we laughed for at least 5 minutes so hard that we almost wet our pants! we will never forget that moment!
in other news tonight i will enjoy my "last meal". tomarrow i'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, and my mom just left me a message that they wanted to move me up to 8:00 for surgery. yay! (sarcasim)my choice for last meal: the rosas ie: a meal at poncho's that under normal circumstance i couldn't finish, but i can't eat or drink for 8 hours before and probably won't want to eat 8 hours after either. don't worry though i should have enough puzzles, pudding, jello, and popsicles to last me until friday when i actually have to work! only 3 days later...i guess we'll see and wish me luck.
Carino, kummet
Sunday, June 11, 2006
worth a second look
i recently stumbled upon this blog belonging to a guy named justin who lives in LA. it's actually quite interesting b/c he has actually see's celebrities on a daily basis, and comes from a totally different perspective. plus he has links to like 50 other blogs, mostly from LA. he doesn't seem to blog anymore, but look through the archives and especially november 06. Enjoy! Kummet
Thursday, June 08, 2006
i simply ask your opinion...
i have a small dilema that has been causing me to constantly ask opinions...what you ask?...well thank god we're not talking about my hair color.. i'm referring to a choice in ipods...!obviously i intend to use my enormous amount of store credit to get an ipod (this has been the secret plan for some time now), but cannot decide which one.
Here it is: the mini which is about maybe $50 cheaper and is much more compact, it would be more simple, and holds about 1,000 songs, and i think i have 350 some right now, this would also have a cheaper case and be easy for excercising. the larger version (not that rellly thick one) would be a little more expensive but will hold like 7,500 songs, i know that i will never aquire this many, but it is more than 1,000...the cases are also a little more expensive, but i like the bigger screen and more memory could help, although i probably wouldn't use video, it might be nice.
As potential best buy/electronics customers let me know what you think. i already have one vote from LA for the mini which she obviously owns, but if possible comment the rest.
Here it is: the mini which is about maybe $50 cheaper and is much more compact, it would be more simple, and holds about 1,000 songs, and i think i have 350 some right now, this would also have a cheaper case and be easy for excercising. the larger version (not that rellly thick one) would be a little more expensive but will hold like 7,500 songs, i know that i will never aquire this many, but it is more than 1,000...the cases are also a little more expensive, but i like the bigger screen and more memory could help, although i probably wouldn't use video, it might be nice.
As potential best buy/electronics customers let me know what you think. i already have one vote from LA for the mini which she obviously owns, but if possible comment the rest.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Two for one.
the bike story: i usually go on this certain route in my nieghborhood when i go rollerblading in the summer.... i was going to go with manda, but we went on bikes instead. this is a pretty long route, probably over a mile, and about halfway through the ride on the side road trail across from baxter school manda got ahead of me and i stood up on the bake to catch up to her. while attempting to stand the bikes left (?) pedal broke off and left me for dead....well not exactly, but i was going fast enough to look like i was picking a fight withe the bike as it spun around me while i was now on the ground. my leg was all scratched up and i had to walk the rest of the way home. i'm still not a big fan of bikes, i prefer my rollerblades b/c i broke the curse after i got them on my birthday by sliding across the tar on my thigh about a week before school started, so were okay now.
the dance season: this was the day that we had two competitions in one day and performed almost an hour or two after finishing at the other one. we were almost first to go and had lots of time before awards. we went to a food court with intentions of coming back before awards. dancers are not as graceful as you think... amanda did a faceplant running to the taco bell parking lot...when we got back things were more interesting. i was with manda and couldn't find melissa (our coach) but then i saw her and she was in the same dilemma and couldn't find the team! we found them alright... they were on the gym floor for awards! we saw them on the tv screen and had to run down through the crowd hurdle some metal chairs and run to the back of the line just in time for the enitre team to give us the "look". just a little embarrassing, but i'm glad i wasn't alone on that one.
the dance season: this was the day that we had two competitions in one day and performed almost an hour or two after finishing at the other one. we were almost first to go and had lots of time before awards. we went to a food court with intentions of coming back before awards. dancers are not as graceful as you think... amanda did a faceplant running to the taco bell parking lot...when we got back things were more interesting. i was with manda and couldn't find melissa (our coach) but then i saw her and she was in the same dilemma and couldn't find the team! we found them alright... they were on the gym floor for awards! we saw them on the tv screen and had to run down through the crowd hurdle some metal chairs and run to the back of the line just in time for the enitre team to give us the "look". just a little embarrassing, but i'm glad i wasn't alone on that one.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Right place at the right time..."bloggable moment"
I woundn't consider today a very normal day considering school and all, but what happened later tonight was definitly not an everyday thing. So for some reason i was on my way to nisswa to pick up my dad (yes this is a car related story and yes i'm fine), i guess his brakes suck and that's where he takes his truck to get it fixed,... we were on our way home (about 7:30pm) and had just passed schafers foods and the waterslide area when we noticed a maroon-ish colored car literally rolling toward us. i pulled over and my dad got out of the car immediatly and dashed across the road, we seemed to be the first and only ones stopping and we were on the other side of the road. the car was driving on the inside lane and must have lost control and flipped at least four times into the ditch median and landed on it's top! it was scary cause i had no idea who was in the car, especially if there were children because i could hear a girl making noise.
My dad called the police immediatly and helped the younger couple crawl out of the front windshield of the car. they were all right. the man seemed okay, and his girlfriend (?) had some cuts, was complaining of her arm, and was a little shaken up. together they looked so dazed sitting in the middle of the ditch with their vehicle upside down with grass caught in the tires and everything that was in the car scattered around them as the cars that passed by slowed down and glared out their windows.
I guess it's not everyday that you see a car roll five times across the median during the spring daylight and assist them in crawling out their windshield. the couple appeared to be quite young, and may have been drinking, but life will go on., they were lucky. this is a unique story but the blog is interesting b/c this kind of stuff does happen when your with my family...ie: my dad was the one who called the police when the hellicopter went down over forestview school. family thing maybe..
I leave you with this carpe diem people, sieze the day, you only live life once, and liquor will not solve your problems. Keep it real, and buckle up, Kummet
My dad called the police immediatly and helped the younger couple crawl out of the front windshield of the car. they were all right. the man seemed okay, and his girlfriend (?) had some cuts, was complaining of her arm, and was a little shaken up. together they looked so dazed sitting in the middle of the ditch with their vehicle upside down with grass caught in the tires and everything that was in the car scattered around them as the cars that passed by slowed down and glared out their windows.
I guess it's not everyday that you see a car roll five times across the median during the spring daylight and assist them in crawling out their windshield. the couple appeared to be quite young, and may have been drinking, but life will go on., they were lucky. this is a unique story but the blog is interesting b/c this kind of stuff does happen when your with my family...ie: my dad was the one who called the police when the hellicopter went down over forestview school. family thing maybe..
I leave you with this carpe diem people, sieze the day, you only live life once, and liquor will not solve your problems. Keep it real, and buckle up, Kummet
Sunday, May 28, 2006
hot in herrrre!
well i think it's time to officially declare this blog: megans blog. Everyone's gotten so "busy" that they have no time for blogging...i seemed to have gained more time and i have TWO jobs. i slept in until about 10:30 then worked @ 12:30-4 had a kids cheeseburger to go and drove to nisswa to work 5-9 with jo scooping ice cream (chocolate ox), but we made pretty good tips and at the end of the shift i finally got my free chocolate peanut butter revel! mmm. word to the wise unless you have mad skills try not to night drive while eating ice cream, and unless it's party cake confetti (exception). Final saturday highlight: i think i drove through a "fog" of gnats or bugs or whatever and it sounded like rain! i could barely see through my windshield and the front of my car is plastered with a hlaf inch of bugs...you can barely read it! yuck!
Anyway....i just returned from a half- hour of rollerbalding, sadly in my opinion it really wasn't that hot. In other news im officiallly "hookled up" with myspace. i already have three friends! tom. is mem. day and everyone including me should definitly be going to the softball game! (1:00) it's monday and we don't have school what could be better! see you there and bring your checkbooks!
Anyway....i just returned from a half- hour of rollerbalding, sadly in my opinion it really wasn't that hot. In other news im officiallly "hookled up" with myspace. i already have three friends! tom. is mem. day and everyone including me should definitly be going to the softball game! (1:00) it's monday and we don't have school what could be better! see you there and bring your checkbooks!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
my life is sooo like th OC...just read
guys i hate to admit it but this is pathetic, our blog has somehow run dry. i will be forced to reveal secrets or something to keep it going, no one even had like a near death experience to blog about yet. someone needs to do something really outrageous or i will be forced to tell the blog about my day... i really don't know how interesting it really is i guess...
Monday: gave a speech for like 25 minutes in spanish...kate missed hers and is now a "floater", went pretty well overall. also learned the best way to choose pizza is through making a venn diagram. oh learned what a G-bong and a water bong are used for in english class, among the many other ways/everyday objects you can use to smoke marijuana, maybe read a story. chem=ewww...like i care. went birthday shopping w/maybon: highlights: saw some hotties at the mall, bought a necklace for 1.49 and lamb (Lee Ann May Bon) sprayed mase inside my car.. damn that stuff even smells nasty!
Tuesday: venn diagrams can help in your job search/family vacation. bullfighting is gross. where's the pink panther in his own movies....and who's the guy with the stach? softball game was cool as long as no one saw you writing a check to get in. went to micky d's with " Olie" aka "french toast" and lamb for some fun conversation. went to wally world (no offence to kayla) and bought shirts in the SELF check out (heck yes) in hopes of embarrassing ourselves on thursday and also finding sharpie markers to aviod paying for the game. any ideas that we haven't tried?
Monday: gave a speech for like 25 minutes in spanish...kate missed hers and is now a "floater", went pretty well overall. also learned the best way to choose pizza is through making a venn diagram. oh learned what a G-bong and a water bong are used for in english class, among the many other ways/everyday objects you can use to smoke marijuana, maybe read a story. chem=ewww...like i care. went birthday shopping w/maybon: highlights: saw some hotties at the mall, bought a necklace for 1.49 and lamb (Lee Ann May Bon) sprayed mase inside my car.. damn that stuff even smells nasty!
Tuesday: venn diagrams can help in your job search/family vacation. bullfighting is gross. where's the pink panther in his own movies....and who's the guy with the stach? softball game was cool as long as no one saw you writing a check to get in. went to micky d's with " Olie" aka "french toast" and lamb for some fun conversation. went to wally world (no offence to kayla) and bought shirts in the SELF check out (heck yes) in hopes of embarrassing ourselves on thursday and also finding sharpie markers to aviod paying for the game. any ideas that we haven't tried?
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