i feel older in this situation: at poncho's im able to start waitress training which is done when your the age of 18 so that you can serve alcohol. this makes me finally feel older. and as wierd as it seems the other night i was just eating my dinner when someone from the bar came in and had a plate full of cake: there was a bachelorette party in the bar: the cake was no ordinary cake, because we often get cake left over from party's or weddings ect. this cake was a little more original....it was shaped like a penis. there's no other way to say it. naturally like adults we were very mature about the whole sitiation, had a good laugh (and lots of inuendo's and jokes), but by my guess if i were 16 i wouldn't be so cool about it. the cake was actually one of the bast we've had!
on the other hand: when i came home from work today (about 3:50pm) i noticed a little car driving around the circle on the other side. i got out of the car and went to get my mom and show her the little car coming around the circle, and now noticed it was playing a high pitched tune.......OMG! it was the littlest blue bunny ice cream truck and it was heading toward me!! i got way more excited than i probably should have, but they didn't even have this when i was little. it was amazing, everything i had imagined and more. the car was no longer than 5 feet and the man inside of it could have been a football player. the ice cream was great and just what i needed, even though it made me feel a more like a little kid. worst part though was that im pretty sure my mom took a picture of me getting my ice cream. sometimes she doesn't know when to quit. oh well. keep your eyes open as well as your ears for this amazing ice cream mobile, cause im pretty sure it made my day! the car is most similar to this one but smaller and says blue bunny on the side. (and a large man with a yellow shirt inside)
Happy 18th BDAY!!! I'm sorry i wont be there to say it to your face and throw you a party, but i would if i was there. I hope you get something amazingly cool and do something extravagent. You won't turn 18 every again!!! So, do something memorable, and congrats on being able to be a waitress and serving booze to the alkies.
in case you actually read the post the guy in the car was shaylea jay's dad and she needs to get a motercycle license to drive it....lol
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