Wednesday, November 08, 2006

where is the luck? and what the fuck?!!!

so wednesday's are ruined forever! today qualley's grand ma dies, there was a fight in the lunchroom and i got a fucking parking ticket! not a parking ticket....a fucking parking ticket!

WHY? "restricted parking?" this is worse than the time i got kicked off the bus. yes it happened and mainly because of pure luck and right place at the right time situations. i had nothing to really do with either. i think there was a sign that said no parking during school or something, which was not there three hours ago. nonetheless there is no school going on there and 3:30 is after school hours. the right place was washington and the time part was wierd. i had parked in the exact same spot the last two times we were at washington including today! why now? well $25 and more swearwords than this blog can sustain. %$#@*!% police!

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