Wednesday, May 17, 2006

be serious you guy's...SERIOUSLY!

Dear blogspot,
i know that we have been slacking a little on the daily posts and we really have no excuse, but lately i haven't encountered any "bloggable" moments. So i thought i would maybe share a story that only a few people know.
Flashback: it was a cool fall day, i was six years old and after a long day at kindergarten, and the usual dinner at wendy's with dad (mom worked 1-9) we took a pit stop on the way home at the apartments my dad was working on for "just a few minutes". To a kindergartener a few minutes past 8 o'clock was just about enough, so my dad told me to sit down on the windowsill near the ground and rest awhile, and that he would only be a few minutes longer. i was getting really tired so i rested my head against the side of the windowsill, and that's it. (at least from my point of view) As i was told by others i had fallen asleep and proceeded to fall through the window onto the concrete floor below-exactly 44 inches. The next thing that i could remember was throwing up in the truck and going toward BMC. i had cracked my skull and there was some internal bleeding on my brain, it was a rough night for my family. i did fully recover, but i had to take some time off of school and sit out in gym class for awhile.
This experience was very traumatic, but interesting to tell all the same. Dont feel bad for me though because i have this theory that if i hadn't fallen and cracked my skull, then i would probably be a genius. so smart in fact that i would not have as many friends as i do now, because almost no one would be at my intellectual level. i think from here i should do some lighter stories like embarassing moments or horrible bike accidents...... feel free to add your stories also people. Teamwork here...maybe i'll tell the bike story next... leave you guessing.

1 comment:

m_kummet said...

thanks kate hopefully something really cool happens at the wedding that you can blog never know.
just a hint always know who's related to you and whose not.