Tuesday, May 23, 2006

my life is sooo like th OC...just read

guys i hate to admit it but this is pathetic, our blog has somehow run dry. i will be forced to reveal secrets or something to keep it going, no one even had like a near death experience to blog about yet. someone needs to do something really outrageous or i will be forced to tell the blog about my day... i really don't know how interesting it really is i guess...

Monday: gave a speech for like 25 minutes in spanish...kate missed hers and is now a "floater", went pretty well overall. also learned the best way to choose pizza is through making a venn diagram. oh learned what a G-bong and a water bong are used for in english class, among the many other ways/everyday objects you can use to smoke marijuana, maybe read a story. chem=ewww...like i care. went birthday shopping w/maybon: highlights: saw some hotties at the mall, bought a necklace for 1.49 and lamb (Lee Ann May Bon) sprayed mase inside my car.. damn that stuff even smells nasty!
Tuesday: venn diagrams can help in your job search/family vacation. bullfighting is gross. where's the pink panther in his own movies....and who's the guy with the stach? softball game was cool as long as no one saw you writing a check to get in. went to micky d's with " Olie" aka "french toast" and lamb for some fun conversation. went to wally world (no offence to kayla) and bought shirts in the SELF check out (heck yes) in hopes of embarrassing ourselves on thursday and also finding sharpie markers to aviod paying for the game. any ideas that we haven't tried?


Lock_J said...

our blog has run dry and maybe you should join a sport. Things aren't as boring and you at least have something exciting to talk about, like, we won our first playoff game and it was amazing. Plus, then you wouldn't have to think of ways to try to get out of paying. If your an athlete on the team, you get to go to the games for free. :P

m_kummet said...

burn kayla... that one hurt.. no one ever called dance a sport, not to mention your overlooking that i went to the game..making t-shirts now! and it's mean of you to want me to join so you can see me get hit with softballs.

m_kummet said...

oh and moorhead was seeded eigth your first it was not that surprising... and ash thinks 4$ is a lot for a game..they dont take all sports passes which we have!